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Example sentences for "ti"

Lexicographically close words:
thyse; thyself; thyselfe; thysen; thyther; tia; tiaj; tial; tiam; tian
  1. Se ti rimane un filo di voce, proseguì egli, a cui si possano riannodare dieci o dodici note, io mi incarico di restituirti in sei mesi ciò che i Bramini del Conservatorio ti hanno rubato nel corso di un anno.

  2. Le autorità di palazzo Ducale, colte alla sprovveduta in quei giorni, con tanta roba sulle braccia, molta se ne lasciavano cadere a terra, senza pensare neanco a raccattarla.

  3. The Teutonic epic poems, the Northern poems at any rate, are ballads in respect of their management of the plots.

  4. The poem is one that gives the whole of the tragedy in no longer space than is used in the poem of Maldon for the adventures of a few hours of battle.

  5. Both are found together in the greater artists of early times, in Homer most notably; and also in artists less than Homer; in the poem of Beowulf, in the stories of Sigfred and Brynhild.

  6. How much the matter of the Northern heroic literature resembles the Homeric, may be felt and recognised at every turn in a survey of the ground.

  7. What went on in Iceland was the progress in seclusion of the old Germanic life--a life that in the rest of the world had been blended and immersed in other floods and currents.

  8. The short poem entitled Qviða Guðrúnar in the manuscript, the Ordeal of Gudrun in the English edition, has a simple plot.

  9. The story of Beowulf and Grendel is not wildly fantastic or improbable; it agrees with the conditions of real life, as they have been commonly understood at all times except those of peculiar enlightenment and rationalism.

  10. The later adventure of Beowulf has the character of a sequel, which extends the poem, to the detriment of its proportions, but without adding any new element of complexity to the epic form.

  11. Hengest succeeded Hnæf in command of the Danes and still kept the hall against the Frisians.

  12. If they are superstitions, they are among the most persistent; and they are superstitions, rather than creatures of romance.

  13. The hero is not lost or carried away in his adventures.

  14. Hermann against this theory, and against Schleiermacher, its author, is strenuous and even unwarrantably bitter.

  15. About respiration, alimentation, and sensation, he also proposed theories: his explanation of respiration remains in one of the fragments.

  16. Eukleides pronounced the Bonum to be coincident with the Ens Unum of Parmenides.

  17. The philosopher is assumed to speak as one having authority; to have already made up his mind; and to be prepared to explain what his mind is.

  18. In the Phaedon, Plato is mentioned as being sick; to explain why he was not present at the last scene of Sokrates (Phaedon, p.

  19. Lydian historian Xanthus had made the like observation, and also the like inference, for himself.

  20. VIII How the Monkey Became a Trickster Once upon a time there was a beautiful garden in which grew all sorts of fruits.

  21. It was tall and beautiful and the rosy-cheeked fruit upon its wide spreading branches looked wonderfully tempting.

  22. They had to be very careful to remember the tree's correct name and not to forget to say "please.

  23. In a tiny house near the edge of the garden dwelt a little old woman who knew the names of all the fruit trees which grew in the garden.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ti" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

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    tidal wave; tied down; tiers etat; tight compartments; tiled roofs; till after; till noon; till now; till quite; till suddenly; till then; timber line; timber trees; time became; time coming; time goes; time like; time must; time went; times like; times more; times when; tiny cupboard; tis not; tis the; tissue paper