Gipsy felt she had never been so thrillingly interested in gardening in the whole of her life.
The figures of these animals are quite Biblical in their emphatic picturesqueness, and never has the romance of these spotted and striped aboriginals, in their primordial struggles for food and water, been more thrillingly conveyed.
This time the sickening shock again visited her, it was, however, because a revealing flash of thought told her that it was not alone Lassiter who was thrillingly welcome, but also his fatal weapons.
Long after he had left her, all down through the outlet to the Pass, the clinging clasp of her arms, the sweetness of her lips, and the sense of a new and exquisite birth of character in her remained hauntingly and thrillingly in his mind.
I mean to say that the sound was one of distinct--of even wonderfully, thrillingly distinct--syllabification.
The bony fist of the showman visibly propels them; their springs are an open secret; their faces are of wood, their bellies filled with bran; and yet we thrillingly partake of their adventures.
It is the spirit of Rebecca--which, even in the grief for her own dead babe, turns thrillingly to mother a wayfarer's Starry Child.
She was a discovery, thrillingly so, since he had long believed such a woman impossible.
The Lost Mine of the Padres In the cool, starry evenings the campers sat around a blazing fire and told and listened to stories thrillingly fitted to the dark crags and the wild solitude.
In days of old each of us in turn had been jerked thrillingly round the room on his precarious back, had dug our heels into his unyielding sides, and had scratched our hands on the tin tacks that secured his mane to his stiffly-curving neck.
The romances of Miss Douglas's creation are all thrillingly interesting.
The color had gone from the sky, but every moment the purpling waters were growing more vivid, more intense, more thrillingly alive to the mystery of the coming night.
The Wilbur twin plunged a hand thrillingly into the heap.
If you were alone in the sacred room you could go right up to the frame and feel the actual bars and put your hand thrillingly through them to touch the painted king of the jungle.
Then Tom brought us our dinner, and the dark began to settle down upon us, thrillingly lonely, and full of strange, desolate cries of night creatures from the mangrove swamps that surrounded our little oasis for miles.
That moment, though I had loved and served Varsieff for years, I knew more thrillingly than ever his greatness, because this woman loved him.
They all say it so thrillingly for me in their words and lives--the little boys coming in with their tales of prairie and the deeps; literally it is here out of the mouths of babes.
And all the time that he listened to her he wasthrillingly conscious of her physical presence.
Her thoughts ran thrillingly on: "Oh, how handsome he was when I first saw him in the water, that day at Newport!
And when she laid her beautiful head on the pillow that night, it was to dream of soft brown eyes that had looked thrillingly into hers, and of a warm white hand that had clasped hers, oh!
For a man the most poignantly exciting, the most thrillingly wild is the chase when he is weaponless, when he runs and kills his quarry with a club.
I felt thrillingly that here at least was one horse.
The prisoner was called upon for his defence: it was singular what a different sensation to that existing in their breasts the moment before crept thrillingly through the audience.
She is sothrillingly alive, so beautiful and individual, so pathetic and pitiful in her desolation.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thrillingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.