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Example sentences for "thalamus"

Lexicographically close words:
thairof; thalamencephalon; thalami; thalamo; thalamos; thaler; thalers; thallium; thallus; tham
  1. Here are nerve cells whose axons pass up through the cord and brain stem to the thalamus or interbrain, where they terminate in a second sensory center.

  2. The rods and cones pass the impulse along to the bipolar cells and these in turn to the optic nerve cells, the axons of which extend by way of the optic nerve to the thalamus in the brain.

  3. Defn: A prominence on the posterior part of the thalamus of the human brain.

  4. Defn: Of or pertaining to a thalamus or to thalami.

  5. Illustration] Following the line of the ascending fibres, after passing through the pons they continue expanding and plunge into the thalamus and corpus striatum.

  6. This structure is one mass, called anteriorly the corpus striatum, or striated body, and posteriorly the optic thalamus or bed of the optic nerve, though the optic nerve has its principal origin in another part, called the optic lobes.

  7. The optic thalamus is indicated in the engraving, but the corpus striatum, being more exterior and anterior, does not appear.

  8. The thalamus and corpus striatum are called together, the great inferior ganglion of the brain.

  9. That an irritative lesion in the line of the centripetal tracts can influence cortical life is shown by thalamus lesions in which hallucinations are sometimes present.

  10. An important vaso-motor centre for the brain vessels exists, possibly diffused through an area somewhere between the thalamus and subthalamic region above the pyramidal decussation below.

  11. The total transverse section of the crus and the fibre masses from the thalamus and basilar ganglia, does not comprise more than one-third of the entire mass.

  12. In some plants, as in Magnolia or Myosurus, the thalamus becomes much elongated, and bears the carpels disposed spirally around it.

  13. Let an ordinarily concave thalamus remain, from defective development, flat, and how great the change in the appearance of the flower.

  14. In others (about one sixth) the thalamus is enlarged into a disc, or else presents one or more glandular swellings, e.

  15. Doubtless the word thalamus is, or should be, significative of peaceful occupations; but it is not a Latin word at all, except by adoption.

  16. But what shall we say when we find Mr. Gladstone citing the Latin thalamus in support of this antiquated theory?

  17. These serve as nectaries, s, the whorl of stamens inserted on the thalamus and surrounding the pistil.

  18. The stamens arise from the thalamus or torus within the petals, with which they generally alternate, forming one or more whorls, which collectively constitute the androecium.

  19. Of or pertaining to a thalamus or to thalami.

  20. A prominence on the posterior part of the thalamus of the human brain.

  21. Internal to the lenticular nucleus, and between it and the caudate nucleus in front and the thalamus behind, is the internal capsule, through which run most of the fibres connecting the cerebral cortex with the crus cerebri.

  22. Resting on the upper surface of the thalamus is the vascular fringe of the velum interpositum, named choroid plexus, and immediately internal to this fringe is the free edge of the white posterior pillar of the fornix.

  23. The posterior knob-like extremity of the thalamus is called the pulvinar; this, as well as the two corpora geniculata and the superior corpus quadrigeminum, is connected with the optic tract.

  24. But then the demarcation [376] between them and the thalamus fails, so that they cannot be thrown off when the flower fades away, but remain as small stumps around the base of the more fully converted filaments.

  25. Optic nerves: this nerve is traced on the left side back beneath the optic thalamus and round the crus cerebri.

  26. The generative bodies of the thalamus are just above it.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thalamus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.