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Example sentences for "terrifyingly"

Lexicographically close words:
terrifie; terrified; terrifies; terrify; terrifying; terrine; terris; territoire; territoires; territorial
  1. Kiss her soundly because Marcia's sleep could be so terrifyingly deep.

  2. There was something rather terrifyingly inevitable about her.

  3. When he arrives there, he begins to wonder in his idleness if he does not know someone in this town, in this terrifyingly large town.

  4. He is terrifyingly old, perhaps ninety; his eyes are worn and half-crazed, and his figure has shrunk to nothing.

  5. He was terrifyingly white but with an admirable composure.

  6. But in two days dizzyingly, terrifyingly much had happened.

  7. It made all the loves in this world feel terrifyingly sordid.

  8. Withal are terrifyingly superfluous: they violently kill the wench to-morrow dawn who died restfully to-day at noon.

  9. This afternoon I thought the country looked more terrifyingly wild than ever; the dark clouds, casting their shadows on the stupendous masses of rugged rock, lead the imagination into regions impossible to describe.

  10. I saw Kean, Young, and Kemble; the play was terrifyingly well performed.

  11. He seemed to regard her as a kind of Boeotia, and terrifyingly dour.

  12. No ordinary winks these, but portentous, terrifyingly steady, obliterating a great tract of the sky.

  13. The Americans become terrifyingly expert at this.

  14. A sweet feminine echo of the Dweller was Yolara, the Dweller's priestess--and as gloriously, terrifyingly evil!

  15. She was suddenly terrifyingly conscious of an impulse to join in that laughter--to laugh and to laugh.

  16. I hate to trouble you but, my dear, you look simply terrifyingly ill.

  17. There was a tiny cafe where we used often to dine, and the memory of it swept over me terrifyingly fresh and strong.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "terrifyingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.