After that he would swingle it over a swingling-board, with a long knife; then he made it into hands of flax.
There was a tow which came out when it was swingled, called swingle tow.
But that old fellow sitting on that ding-swingle never put those hints together without havin' something about it on his mind.
A ding-swingle is the triangle of a trimmed tree-crotch, dragged apex forward, its limbs sprawling behind.
Both parts, the staff or handle, and the swingle or swiple, were carefully shaped from well-chosen wood, to be joined together later by an eelskin or leather strap.
A man could swingleforty pounds of flax a day, but it was hard work.
There are more kickers made by ill-adjusted swingle trees than any other cause.
To keep the latter in check, Captain Swingle and his howitzers were employed night and day.
Oates fetched him when he had quieted down, and we found that nothing had been hurt or broken but the swingle tree.
They know perfectly well that the swingle trees and traces are hanging about their hocks and hate it.
When this was ascertained, the mules who had formed part of the opening procession, and had then withdrawn, reappeared, and the carcase of the bull was tied to the swingle tree, and dragged out of the arena.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "swingle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.