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Example sentences for "squalling"

Lexicographically close words:
squads; squalid; squalidness; squall; squalled; squalls; squally; squalor; squamosal; squamosals
  1. The figure of a woman ran from the house, retrieved the now squalling infant and ran back into the house.

  2. Still they snoozed on; and soon afterwards, hearing the same squalling sounds again, I stole forth in the bleak dawn to see what I could discover.

  3. The gander rose in the air and circled overhead, squalling fearfully.

  4. When I had pushed through the swamp of thick cedar that lay between the camp and the pond, I beheld a goose flapping its wings and squalling scarcely more than a stone's throw away.

  5. The hotel was clean and commodious, but I could better have endured that ancient sitting-room in which the squalling baby was rocked.

  6. They soon entered the gorge and were greeted by the grunt of a baboon and the squalling of its young ones, which helped to increase the savage aspect of the towering cliffs on either side.

  7. Infancy and boyhood with squalling and schooling I pass over.

  8. Finally little Benny who was one thickness of boards under me woke up and began squalling like a six months old calf being put through the process of branding.

  9. Yes," dolefully replied the mother, as she rocked the squalling brat on the rockerless chair with greater vigor than had been her practice.

  10. Don't you hear the baby squalling there like a little tempest?

  11. The way of the transgressor is hard,' as Solomon says; and I'll make it confoundedly hard for you if you don't pitch the squalling brat this minute out of the window!

  12. A child's skill only is needed to take their half-shed fur and dash them squalling and spitting and kicking into Biskoonah!

  13. Must I huddle, with a dozen squalling children and their notably-noisy or sluttishly-indolent dam, round a dirty hearth and meagre winter's fire?

  14. There was a crashing of curtains and curtain-poles and a squawking and squalling of attendants as my hands closed on Chong Mong-ju's throat.

  15. She was a woman and I was a man and a lover, and all the heredity of love was mine up from the black and squalling jungle ere love was love and man was man.

  16. Then I turned in and slept until Beulah started squalling for breakfast.

  17. It didn't take long before Beulah started squalling for supper.

  18. This time it was a child-mother, a pitiful, little black-eyed thing, with a squalling whitish baby at her breast.

  19. Take the squalling brat away," said Paaker to the nurse.

  20. There was not a crumb to stop their little squalling mouths.

  21. The treatment was no less effectual than harmless, for it stopped the perverse, persistent squalling at once" (519.

  22. It is the squalling child that gets the milk.

  23. I felt I was too old to have a squalling infant forced into my house.

  24. Squalling like an infuriated cat, the shadow crashed down through tree-ferns and orchids and thudded upon the earth at his feet, and, still squalling its rage and pain, had sunk its human teeth into the ankle of his stout tramping boot.

  25. He, on the other hand, was not idle, and with his free foot had done what reduced the squalling to silence.

  26. Its squalling won't give us any iggs, nor lade to its nest nayther.

  27. It was a chorus of cries, in which barking, grunting, growling, coughing, cachinnation and the squalling of children seemed all to have a share.

  28. It could not be Helen's; it more resembled the squalling of an infant.

  29. If it had been a boy, old enough to speak and run about, there might be some amusement in it; but he could not see the use of a squalling sickly infant--and a girl too!

  30. Mr. Douglas received the proposal with considerable coolness; wondering what his wife could see in such an ugly squalling thing to plague herself about it.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "squalling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.