For if such men wolden their eyen of their conscience revolven, [they] shulden seen the same sentence they legen on other springe out of their sydes, with so many braunches, it were impossible to nombre.
Fro the seconde, as bokes sein, The moiste dropes of the reyn Descenden into Middilerthe, And tempreth it to sed and Erthe, And doth to springe grass and flour.
I rede how that this proude vice Hath thilke wynd in his office, 2410 Which thurgh the blastes that he bloweth The mannes fame he overthroweth Of vertu, which scholde elles springe Into the worldes knowlechinge; Bot he fordoth it alto sore.
And as me thoghte, in this manere Al freissh I syh hem springe and dance, And do to love her entendance After the lust of youthes heste.
There was, for instance, a very effective mode of setting a wire with a springe or bow.
It is said that a springe of somewhat similar construction was used for pheasants.
The springe was probably last employed by the mole-catchers.
I tried the springeseveral times for rabbits, and found it answer; but the poacher cannot use it because it is so conspicuous.
Snipes are to be taken by simply attaching the springe to a bullet and burying this in the soft oose or mud where snipe are known to feed or run.
On the Continent, according to Mr. Box, the following is the method of using the springe for the capture of thrushes and such birds.
This springe is varied in a variety of ways, but it is remarkably deadly for nearly all birds.
Another adaptation of the springe is shown at Fig.
Only I lie trapped, Writhe in a certain novel springe just set By the good old Pope: I 'm first prize.
Some Doctours sed the Lakes did Agewes breede, But Springe returning wold the same disperse; Whyles others, contrarie to Nature's creede, Averred the Heate itself wold make us worse.
Then of a sudden her radiant face withered; she cast an affrighted glance at her feet, recoiled like one who has stepped on a springe and with a shriek fell on the ground, passing into fit after fit with many frantic gestures and maniac words.
Then rigor, and reuenge, did springe in euell hower: And men of mighte, did manadge all, and poore opprest with power.
In his "Natural History and Sport in Moray," Mr. St. John describes a springe with which he used to take both snipe and woodcocks very successfully.
Shakespeare has many allusions to the capture of this bird by springe and gin-- "Aye, springes to catch woodcocks.