So that here amongis us nowe is no man to stirre about and see quykly to alle thingis as ther aught to be and is nede to be, which hevieth me gretly; and though I were up and might somwhat stire myself, yitte I am not seure so to contynue ij.
I doo that I can with goode wyll, and somwhat I hope to doo hastely ther in that shall doo goode.
My Lady must have somwhatto bye hyr kovercheff[151-3] besyd my Lord.
I harde somwhat by hym off a bakke ffreende off yowr; ye schall knowe moor her afftr.
I also mysselyke somwhat the heyr heer; for by my trowte I was in goode heele whan I come hyddre, and all hooll, and to my wetyng I hadde never a better stomake in my lyffe, and now with in viij.
Hawkeshow, and the Wile brooke, whose heads are also further distant from the edge of Darbishire than that of Wie, and races somwhat longer, though neither of them be worthie to be accompted long.
Now to say somwhat also of mine owne knowledge, there is the thighbone of a man to be seene in the church of S.
The length of them is most commonlie two foot and somwhat more, but seldome dooth it extend vnto two foot six inches, except it be in some rare and monsterous one: [Sidenote: Snakes.
Amongis whome was one called Frear Williame Arth,[72] who, in a sermone preached in Dundye, spak somwhat moir liberallie against the licentious lyifes of the Bischoppis nor thei could weall beair.
Herevpon I doe somwhat long, make copie of wor- [Sidenote: Fables well applied bee singuler.
I have no cause, I woot wel, for to sore 670 As doth an hauk that listeth for to pleye, But to thyn help yet somwhat can I seye.
But every word which that she of hir herde, She gan to prenten in hir herte faste; 900 And ay gan love hir lasse for to agaste Than it dide erst, and sinken in hir herte, That she wex somwhat able to converte.
But whan his shame gan somwhatto passe, His resons, as I may my rymes holde, 90 I yow wole telle, as techen bokes olde.
For which him lyked in his songes shewe Thencheson of his wo, as he best mighte, And made a song of wordes but a fewe, Somwhat his woful herte for to lighte.
But fynally, he took al for the beste That she him wroot, for somwhat he biheld 1325 On which, him thoughte, he mighte his herte reste, Al covered she the wordes under sheld.
Now was hir herte warm, now was it cold, And what she thoughte somwhat shal I wryte, As to myn auctor listeth for to endyte.
The kings ambassadours hearing this, were somwhattroubled in their minds: [Sidenote: Eadmerus.
Whilest the king remained in Gascoigne, he hadsomwhat to do against certeine rebels, as Gaston de Bierne, and other that were reuolted from him.
In this heat if the earle of Chester and other had not beene at hand, he had suerlie slaine the cheefe iustice euen there with his drawne sword, who was glad to auoid his presence, till his angrie mood was somwhat ouerpassed.
In the entended purpose, also, allowing somwhat to the imperfection of Nature: not aunswerable to the precisenes of demonstration.
Also, somwhatmight be sayd of Mercurius * two Harpes, [4.
Yet may ye wel repele your businesse And to resounsomwhat have attendaunce, 650 Moch better than to byde, by fol simplesse, The feble socour of desesperaunce.
Therfore they be nat worthy to thilke blisse; and yet somwhatmust ben cause and way to thilke blisse.
For often han shrewes me assailed, and mokel badnesse therin have I founden; and so me 15 semeth bad to be somwhat in kynde.
Of her felawesomwhat I shal you say, Whos bil was red next after forth, withal; And what it ment rehersen you I shal.
Ye have rehersed me these billes al, 680 But now, let seesomwhat of your entent.
Vnder this border there did stick out round about certaine proportions like walnut shels, or the keele of a ship, somwhat thicke and broade at the vpper end, and lessing themselues to nothing belowe.
Here maye we soone perceyue that by abusion wee take wordes that be somwhat nye, whych property do belong to vnlyke thinges.
These rudimentes of modestye and vertue the childe lerneth before he can speake, which because they sticke fast vntil he be elder, they profit somwhat to true religiõ.
After thys cõmeth the care to reade and write whych of it selfe is somwhat tedious, but the griefe is taken awaye a great parte by the cũnyng handling of the master, if it be sauced w^t some pleasaunt allurementes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "somwhat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.