One was poised on the little platform at the summit of the ladder, while two others were turning somersaults on the way down to the tiny tank.
Don’t try to put in three somersaults instead of two.
Before he could say any more the audience were electrified by three more somersaults backwards, and a short promenade on the hands, head down, feet up.
Clear the way, then," and without the slightest preparation Dan turned three somersaults one after the other and came up on his feet.
Tommy turned his best somersaults to console her; Demi sat on the steps reading aloud to himself, which amused Nan a good deal; and Dan brought a little tree-toad to show her as the most delicate attention in his power.
Then I shut myself up in my room and played a bit, and then I turned somersaults till my head was like--like an apple dumpling; and then I went shopping.
Why, they must have turnedsomersaults all the way down.
He turned a whole lot of somersaults and then he took Marmaduke on his shoulder and galloped around the tent and they had a glorious time.
Two little boys turning somersaults by the side of the carriage suddenly recalled to her mind the boys at the villa, and her promise to bring them a present from the festa.
If, for propriety's sake, I did not restrain myself, I should now dearly like to be turning somersaults on the carpet, like little Osmin.
Sometimes he gambolled about and turned somersaults on her carpet like a kitten, or frolicked about on the bureau, the sofa, and even on the Queen's lap.
Johann Fabula turned not one but three somersaults all across the floor, and then three back again; and then stood straight on his legs again before Timar.
The wymp turned several somersaults to show his amazement at the King's words, and finally stood thoughtfully on one leg.
And he turned two somersaults on the stage by way of expressing his delight, unfortunately, however, planting his foot in his second revolution in the stomach of a young gentleman who was hurrying down to catch the boat.
Hastening towards the sounds of the fray, the young hunter saw both bear and dogs turning somersaults down a very steep hill.
The bear plunged to the earth, making two or three somersaults as he did so, but finding the dogs too ferocious for him, he immediately ascended a large oak tree.
Joe brought into play one of his trapeze tricks, and turned three somersaults before he struck the water.
Joe did his usual work, swimming about in the midst of the shimmering goldfish, showing different strokes, turning graceful somersaults and doing a longitudinal whirl that made him look like the propeller of some water craft.
Joe really turned backward and forward somersaults under water, but of course he did it more slowly than the feats would be performed in the air.
Billy landed on this shelf and upset it, throwing all the pies upside down on the ground, while the dogs came pouring out of the window in such haste that some of them turned somersaults when they reached the gravel.
They stood on rolling globes, turned somersaults and jumped straight up in the air to catch a piece of red leather that Bobby had hung from a light, horizontal bar which he kept putting higher and higher for them.
At three o'clock our voyage began--the succession of quivering leaps, plunges, and somersaults which miraculously landed us upon the French coast.
A swarm of little barefooted beggars importuned us, turning dizzy somersaults until we could see only a maze of flying, dusty feet on either side.
Madame Genviève had refused his request, but Pierre had seen the somersaults and had practised them in private ever since.
Pierre turned a couple ofsomersaults on the grass.
Then he turned his somersaults again until he had reached the place whence he had come.
Last year Barnum had a corps of acrobats, of whom seven performed double somersaults every night during the season.
The skeptic may say triple somersaults may be accomplished by the aid of higher and more powerful spring-boards than those in use, but that would merely change the angle, and the result would be the same.
Peter shot off and rushed head over heels down the mountain-side, turning wild somersaults on his perilous way.
The tumblers are so named from their habit of turning backward somersaults during flight.
Somersaults and back dives from a stationary take-off or from a spring-board are very easily learned.
I have seen, I think, a Japanese acrobat throw a wonderful succession of somersaults backwards and forwards within his own length.
Tip began turning somersaults again and Top walked around on his hind legs.
So Janet had said she would do some little tricks with the mice, rats, and alligator, while Harry, the fat little boy clown, would turn somersaults and handsprings on the stage.
In about half an hour the corner of the cave had a beautiful soft, heaped up, dry leaf bed in it, and Barty was rolling over and jumping and turning somersaults on it, and Man Saturday was jumping about with him.
I think I can guess where you learned to turn those somersaults in the air," said the boat-boy.
Oh, he could pretend to say his prayers, make believe he was dead, he could turn somersaults and climb a ladder.
I walked into the tent, and there I saw him doing the jump and somersaultshe used to do in our tent.
It was called a spring-board, and some of the boys had made their jumps from it, turning somersaults in the air, and falling down in a pile of soft hay.
I slipped, and when I found I was going to fall, I began to turn somersaults to make it easier coming down.
Ben could swing and turn somersaults and drop off into the hay from away up near the roof of the barn.
But I would like to turn somersaults in the air like you, Ben.
He therefore gave over the reins to her, and stepped aside into the bushes, where, murmuring the mystic formula, he turned three somersaults over a ditch.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "somersaults" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.