It's happen somdy at wanted to burn owd Molly aght o' haase an' harbor.
An' if aw can't tak 'em all misen, they'll happen be useful to somdy else.
A chap 'at can chait somdy aght ov twenty thaasand paands is considered smart: but a poor begger 'at stails a looaf is a thief.
Tom, "aw niver saw ony body frame wor i' mi life; we mun ha' somdy to sit on it to hold it daan.
Aw'm net used to be sarved i' this style, An aw think at ther's somdy gooan crackt.
Hold up yer heeads, tho' at poor workin men Simple rich ens may laff an may scorn; Maybe they ne'er haddled ther riches thersen, Somdy else lived befooar they wor born.
He started off at full speed an wor just beginnin to smile at his own clivverness, when somdy shaated.
Well, lad,--it may be all reight, but aw should want somdyelse to say soa.
Shoo spoilt him, as wor to be expected, an denied hersen lots o' things shoo badly needed to keep him weel donned, an shoo wor nivver as praad as when shoo heeard somdy say at he lukt 'like a little gentleman.
Has somdy been sayin at tha doesn't darn thi stockins an keep thi clooas cleean?
Eeah an' ther's somdy else been mistaen as weel as thee, for if awd known what a chuffin heead tha'd ha turned aght aw wod'nt ha been paid to come.
Th' empty bottles an glasses wor takken away, an wi a smile an a wave o' ther hand they went to attend to somdy else, leeavin us to sit as long ovver awr glass as we'd amind.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "somdy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.