Sir (quoth Teudilli,) I am very glad to heare the Maiestie and Vertue of the Emperoure youre maister, but you shall vnderstande, that my Lorde the Emperoure Melzuma is as greate and as good a Prince as he.
After this diligence put in vre, he solemnely tooke possession of all y^e land, in the name of the Emperour Charles King of Castill, with all the actes and ceremonies, as to such a matter apperteyned.
At the Citie gate stoode many graue persons of nobilitie, as Magistrates of the Citie, who solemnely welcomed the Strangers.
The Maiors wife of the same Citie, when shée died, commaunded in her will, that she shoulde be buried without any pompe or noyse, solemnely vsed at that time.
There haue bin séene some in the night when the Moone shined, going solemnely with the corpes, according to the custome of the people, or standing before the doores, as if some bodie were to bee carried to the Church to burying.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "solemnely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.