Night after night she would sit up watching a face that was wasted and twisted with pain, or walk to and fro crooning snatches of song to soothe a restless mite in her arms.
She was singing nonsense--snatches to lighten the way for the little ones, but the tears were perilously near her own eyes.
Snatches of dialogues once held are recalled, faint recollections of old friendships return, and fragments of landscapes beheld and deeds performed long ago pass in weird procession before the mind's half opened eye.
There came from forward a confused murmur of voices, laughter--snatches of song.
The long-armed and athletic boatswain swung quickly, gripping things with a fist hard as iron, and remembering suddenly snatchesof the last letter from his "old woman.
If he happens to fancy a rose-bug or juicy ant, he dashes to the leaf or grass-blade on which the insect is crawling, hovers a moment in the air to take aim, and then snatches the bug off.
On I went reciting bardic snatches connected with Anglesey.
So absorbed was he in his disappointment, that Tim several times that afternoon whistled snatches from "Poor Dog Tray," with impunity.
He yawned, recalling snatches of books he had read and one or two scientific reports of such cases.
Some proud shadow chases another from the throne of Cyrus, and Horace hears in the thunder the rush of Diespiter, and identifies Providence with the Fortune that snatches off the diadem in her whirring swoop.
Madame locked the door, and amused herself with her own business, without minding me, humming little nasal snatches of French airs, as she smirked on her silken purchases displayed in the daylight.
He snatches at the back of a chair; the chair creaks and breaks] Devil take it, how I'm smashing up your furniture!
Snatches up the stick left by FIERS by the door] Go.
Snatches her hand, she screams with pain] I love you!
She sat between Helen and Randy, and all the way home her chatter was interspersed with snatches of the songs which had been a part of their games.
She sang little snatches of melody while she cleared the dinner table, and grasped the first leisure moment to steal out under the apple tree, thence toward the brook to the old stone wall.
It is the French lady of the feathers who scatters vitriol in the streets of Paris, the Italian or Spanish lady of the feathers who snatches the dagger from her hair to stab an enemy.
They sang in, snatches and hiccoughed protestations of eternal friendship.
But I found him in a peculiar mood, talking, laughing, and breaking into snatches of song; all with a wildness and abandon that frightened while they puzzled me.
The king, however, recognizing his son, just as he is about to drink, snatches away the cup from him, while Medea flies in her chariot.
A crowd had gathered, and boys, and even women, were laughing and singing in ridicule snatches of, "Vive Napoleon!
Shakespeare places in the mouth of Sir Hugh Evans snatches of verse from Marlowe's charming lyric, 'Come live with me and be my love.
They ate by snatches when they could, which was seldom; and they slept by snatches when they could, which was even less often.
He snatches up one, the property, as it turns out, of a fair maiden, who thereupon becomes his wife.
Steere's own experience the skeleton of the story seemed to be contained in these snatches of song, which were connected together by an account, apparently extemporized, of the intervening history.
In the long speeches of Tristan we hear repeated with powerful dramatic significance the motives of Day and Night, the Love theme, the Death theme, the motive of Anguish, and snatches of the love duo of Act II.
Alberich, failing in his attempt to win one of the maidens, forswears love and snatches the gold from its resting-place.
When Malvolio himself appeared, they paid no more heed to him than they had done to Maria, and only answered his rebuking words by each singing at him in turn snatches of different songs.
She was indeed distracted with grief, and spoke strange words, but when allowed her own way she went harmlessly about, only decking herself with flowers, and singing sweet and touching snatches of quaint old songs.
More covertly he hunted, though it tried him sorely, and snatches of conversation untangled from the froth of their utterances did much to simplify his task and give more definition to his search.
The bootless one looked furtively at the demijohn, still like a wary cur who snatches at and bolts with a stray bone.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "snatches" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.