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Example sentences for "slaveowners"

Lexicographically close words:
slave; slaved; slaveholder; slaveholders; slaveholding; slaver; slaveries; slavering; slavers; slavery
  1. Poverty-stricken freemen might perish, but slaveowners could use the slaves themselves as security for credits to buy food at famine prices to feed them.

  2. It has been said by various anti-slavery spokesmen that many slaveowners systematically bred slaves for the market.

  3. The Dred Scott decision laid the Republicans open to the charge of seeking by unlawful means to deprive slaveowners of their rights, and it was to the partizan interest of the Democrats to stand by the Court and thus discredit their opponents.

  4. Out of this conviction arose Calhoun's famous theory that slaveowners had under the Constitution an equal right with the owners of all other forms of property in all the Territories.

  5. Though she was not charged with the framing of the civil laws, she moved the hearts of the slaveowners by moral suasion, and she moulded the conscience of legislators by an appeal to the innate rights of men.

  6. Looking back on this momentous period we are struck with what Lecky calls "the grotesque absurdity of slaveowners signing a Declaration of Independence which asserted the inalienable right of every man to liberty and equality.

  7. The planters and slaveowners of this period obtained the greater share of their recreation in attendance at political rallies, horse races, and cock fights.

  8. It has been the close vicinity of slaveowners to each other, the fact that their lands have been coterminous, that theirs was especially a cotton district, which has tempted them to secession.

  9. An intermediate doctrine has been held by men who were nearer in their sympathies to the slaveowners than to the abolitionists, but who were not disposed to justify slavery as a thing apart.

  10. Let the slaves of all rebels be declared free; and all slaveowners in the seceding States are rebels!

  11. These two extreme parties were the slaveowners of the South and the abolitionists of the North and West.

  12. WITH the growing population of slaves in the Southern States of America, there is a fearful increase of half whites, most of whose fathers are slaveowners and their mothers slaves.

  13. He said his negro property a month before was worth, perhaps, fifty thousand dollars; now his slaves would not bring probably more than five thousand; and that would be the fate of many slaveowners in Virginia.

  14. The lagging land proprietors and slaveowners (as the Yankees shrewdly predicted) want to be captains, etc.

  15. The rich men and slaveowners are but too successful in getting out, and in keeping out of the service.

  16. With these immigrants from the South came also large numbers of a far better element even than the arrogant Slaveowners or the abject "White Trash.

  17. Many of these were Slaveowners themselves, and nearly all of them were of Southern birth.

  18. The immigrant Slaveowners promptly planted themselves where they could command the great highway of the Missouri River, taking up broad tracts of the fertile lands on both sides of the stream.

  19. Against his perfect panoply of courage and resource all the lances of the Slaveowners were hurled in vain.

  20. As everywhere, the Slaveowners exerted an influence immeasurably disproportionate to their numbers, intelligence and wealth.

  21. In every State in the South the story was the same, of the Middle Class Union men being harassed at the command of the Slaveowners by the "White Trash" hounds.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slaveowners" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.