She had been much upset by the local food, and she ate nothing but shortbread and bun for a week, and that made her better!
Who should it be but Uncle Clarke, with a big cake of shortbread in his arms!
A "first-footing" is made by the first person who enters the house after the stroke of midnight; and if he wishes well to the household, he should bring a cake of shortbread with him.
I've brought them a box of real shortbread from Edinburgh.
Their hostess, wise in her generation, left her to herself until potato cakes and Scotch shortbread should thaw the ice and loose her tongue, and meantime discussed mutual friends with Claudia.
Aunt Janet sent you someshortbread and some knitted things.
However, she added that she believed there was someshortbread on the book-case, which Phyllis at once annexed; and her temper began slowly to improve.
Katharine winced, and brought her eyes down to look at her unconscious friend, who was still munching shortbread with an expression of complete contentment on her face.
This was followed by the handing round of oatcake, cheese, and whisky, and afterwardsshortbread and more whisky.
On entering the guest-room, a portion of shortbread and another glass of whisky were handed to him, a reverential silence being observed for a time, after which conversation was carried on in whispers.
There were none for me, but one and a fine Scotch shortbread for the wounded Fife man in the bed next to mine.
When the bride returned from church, she was met on the doorstep and presented with a thin currant cake on a plate, or it might be shortbread or oat-cake.
The following is the recipe of an old Ayrshire cook whose shortbread is always considered unsurpassed.
As a result of the "consultation," Mary Joe cut the shortbread and added a dish of preserves to the bill of fare.
My mouth has been watering for some more of your grandma's delicious shortbread ever since I had tea here before.
I'm a good house-wife and I admit myshortbread is 'extra,' as Duncan used to say.
Mrs. M'Cosh has baked some shortbread for you, which I shall post this afternoon.
Never, surely, was there suchshortbread eaten before, never such scones partaken of.
These trays contained tea and coffee, scones to make your mouth water, butter arranged like swans swimming in parsley, and shortbread made by that famous cook, old Mrs Duncan, who was also the housekeeper at The Garden.
You know very well that you make the best shortbread and wear the biggest aprons in Heathermuir.
When these questions were asked and answered, there would be long silences, broken only by the crunching of shortbread and the swallowing of tea.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shortbread" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.