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Example sentences for "shaking hands"

  • Shaking hands is optional, and it should rest with the older, or the superior in social standing to make the advances.

  • Shaking hands is not forbidden, but in most cases it is to be avoided in public.

  • In shaking hands, the right hand should always be offered, unless it be so engaged as to make it impossible, and then an excuse should be offered.

  • The senseless and inconvenient custom of shaking hands is, indeed, by no means general throughout the world, and in the extent to which it prevails in the United States is a subject of ridicule by foreigners.

  • Raise both hands, grasped in the manner of shaking hands, or by locking the two forefingers firmly while the hands are held up.

  • No starving now, Trotwood," said Mr. Dick, shaking hands with me in a corner.

  • Shaking hands on taking leave is=, with some few people, a graceful and pleasant fashion of saying good-bye; intimate friends hold the hand while the last words are being said.

  • I am pleased to see you," he said, shaking hands.

  • A pleasure to see you," he assured Mr. Hajek, shaking hands vigorously.

  • And they separated in a sort of bewilderment, shaking hands in a tired fashion.

  • Indeed, he was so much relieved, and it was so natural to be shaking hands, to be conventionally greeting, that he forgot he had only a towel on and his professional manner came back to him.

  • He caught a fleeting, unreassuring glimpse of himself in a dark mirror, successfully negotiated the sliding rugs, and all at once found himself somehow in the cheery parlor alone with Miss Story, shaking hands.

  • No starving now, Trotwood,' said Mr. Dick, shaking hands with me in a corner.

  • The ladies came in a few minutes after, and Caroline and Clara went forward, shaking hands, smiling, and replying in a way which was by no means forward, and with ease that to Marian was marvellous.

  • You have quite forgotten me," said Edmund, shaking hands.

  • Hilda did not smile; she had not even smiled in shaking hands; and she had shaken hands without conviction.

  • It was a most extraordinary and amazing thing that he could never regard the ceremony of shaking hands with a relative as other than an affectation of punctilio.

  • He was far too agitated to think of shaking hands, and seemed to be in a state of fever.

  • He's as good-hearted a man as there is in New South Wales," corroborated Sim, shaking hands.

  • Ned, shaking hands as he jumped into his carriage.

  • When I have walked up between the two rows of seated chieftains and gained his side, he forthwith displays his knowledge of the English mode of greeting by shaking hands.

  • Like nearly all Persians, he is ignorant of the Western custom of shaking hands; the sun-browned paw extended to him as he enters is stared at a moment in embarrassment and then clasped between both his palms.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shaking hands" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    arithmetical progression; chrome yellow; dead tree; explain the; for one; foreign interference; giving offence; great learning; noble nature; pretty eyes; romantic love; send troops; several minutes; shaking hands; shaking her; shaking his; single stem; tall tree; then started; this expedition; three commissioners; well drained; whom the; whose object