But it is as safe to assume that the revolution is irreversible, setbacks aside.
Vehemently committed to securing the future of their children and the present of their extended family - they ploughed on, ignoring diversions, never digressing, never wavering in the face of setbacks and defeats.
In Europe, we shall resume the attack and--despite temporary setbackshere or there--we shall continue the attack relentlessly until Germany is completely defeated.
Both the successes and the setbacksof the past year remain on our agenda of unfinished business.
In its ruthless struggle for power, communism seizes upon our imperfections, and takes advantage of the delays and setbacks which the democratic nations experience in their effort to secure a better life for their citizens.
There will be further setbacks before the tide is turned.
Do you have economic setbacks in which poorly planned production goes amuck and depressions follow with mass unemployment?
Minor setbacks have sometimes deterred us but the march of progress goes on.
Temporarily whole nations can receive setbacks as a result of defeat in war, or perhaps due to lack of natural resources.
Setbacks and reverses are inevitable as this mighty Plan progresses and expands.
The Guardian urges you not to be discouraged by any setbacks you may have.
Many and divers will, no doubt, be the tests, the setbacks and trials which teachers and administrators alike within the ranks of its members, must necessarily experience.
Even setbacks are unavoidable; neither formerly nor today has space been found without an owner; the attacker always comes up against the proprietor.
Therefore, I never lost my belief in the midst of setbacks which were not spared me during my period of struggle.
The resulting historical processes have been responsible for both ruinous setbacks in human well-being and extraordinary advances in civilization.
It must be wedded, as well, to a conviction that, however long the process and whatever setbacksmay be encountered, the governance of human affairs can be conducted along lines that serve humanity’s real needs.
Our hope was that our soldiers would have the good fortune to escape the fearful attrition of trench fighting and that our offensive spirit would suffer no setbacks in actual experience.
It was equally important both for the effect upon Allied and German sentiment that when we did begin active campaigning there should be no setbacks for our army.
As yet, though, with so few camps established, this could not reasonably be hoped for, and she had made due allowance for such setbacks when deciding upon her freight rate.
These setbacks made them late in their arrival at the scene of coming toil, but gradually the distant buttes grew plainer as they moved on steadily toward them over the crunching sands, so hot and barren.
Such setbacks had become so numerous as to be expected as part of the day's work; they no longer caused exasperation or annoyance.
The industry has recently suffered setbacks because of the continuing Japanese slowdown; the Japanese normally make up almost 90% of the tourists.
But I wake up every day knowing that they are nothing compared to the setbacks that families all across this country have faced this year.
Now, our administration has had some political setbacks this year, and some of them were deserved.
But after a few setbacks and failures we lose heart, and faith in our vision dies.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "setbacks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.