And in the righte syde of that tabernacle is the sepulcre of oure Lord.
And it is not longe sithen the sepulcre was alle open, that men myghte kisse it and touche it.
One simple name served to identify him; his sepulcre might even be nameless--a circumstance of most rare occurrence in regard to Pagan tombs.
The violation of a sepulcre was severely punished by the Roman law, and is deprecated on grounds of humanity in some inscriptions, threatened with divine vengeance in others.
The sepulcre is lyke a lytle house, the which by masons was dydged out of a rocke of stone.
The sepulcre is grated rounde about wyth yrone, that no man shall graet or pycke out any stones.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sepulcre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.