I mention this because it shows that seperation in the Marriage state is not unknown to these people.
I could not avoid feeling much concern on this occasion although I hoped this seperation was only momentary.
I shall on each day give the occurrences of both camps during our seperation as I afterwards learnt those of the lower camp from Capt.
Clark, who now furnished me with the dayly occurrences which had taken place with himself and party since our seperation which I here enter in his own words.
This short seperation from his companions gave him courage to assert his independance.
It gives me no pain to leave you; nor can our seperation give you much.
There are a few who consider the Advantage derivd to her, by a total Seperation of Britain & the Colonies, which so sagacious a Court doubtless foresaw & probably never lost Sight of.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seperation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.