Irene had always been skeptical of emotional heights, had always accepted life sensually without much enthusiasm either for the gratification or the denial of her ambitions.
He would let slip no occasion for interpreting life to the disadvantage of virtue; he was always sensually insistent.
In consequence of this accompaniment of pleasure he has the inclination to conjure up sensuallysensuous representations of that kind, and to dwell on them with enjoyment.
With extremely bad taste he calls the old man "the Christ of paternal love"; and to the paternal love he imparts such a sensually hysterical character that he almost disgusts us with it.
The serious and the sensually cynic philosophy of human life, which in La Physiologie du Mariage blent into one repulsive whole, now separate, displaying themselves in the form of tragedy and satyric comedy.
But sensually they were men: sensually they were accomplished.
From all this it can be seen how sensually (that is, how much from the bodily senses and their blindness in spiritual matters) do those think who maintain that nature is from herself.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sensually" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.