The moral expressed there by the 'Caterva' implies less sympathy with outraged virtue than with the disappointed delinquent-- Hic senexsiquid clam uxorem suo animo fecit volup Neque novom neque mirum fecit nec secus quam alii solent.
I have no doubt the deficit is about what Senex [Footnote: Reeve was at this time writing occasional letters in the Times under the signature of 'Senex.
Graecās senex didicī#, I learned Greek when I was an old man.
And in this countrey there was a certeine man called Senex de monte, who round about two mountaines had built a wall to inclose the sayd mountaines.
It follows from this, that for eleven years at least before his death Gower had been senex et cecus, helpless through old age and blindness.
Appius Claudius et senex et coecus, a father full of wisedome can releve the state of decaying Rome.
Pray request SENEX to withdraw every word he has said about me.
The curious article of your correspondent SENEX relative to this seal, as described and figured in Barrett's History of Attleburgh, has a peculiar interest as connected with the device of a man combating a lion.
Nemo est tam senex qui se annum non putat posse vivere=--There is no man so old as not to think he may live a year longer.
The moral expressed there by the 'Caterva' implies less sympathy with outraged virtue than with the disappointed delinquent-- Hic senex siquid clam uxorem suo animo fecit volup' Neque novom neque mirum fecit nec secus quam alii solent.
Nisus, the king of Megara, with the talismanic purple lock, becomes a senex purpureus (i.
The Senex de Monte however repented, and sent others to warn the French monarch.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "senex" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.