Cook according to receipt given on Thursday of Second Week in this month.
It does not, however, reach the northern shires until the first or second week in April, although we have a Sherwood Forest record for March.
The nests are ready for eggs by the first orsecond week in April.
It appears upon our Devonshire and Cornish waters nearly a fortnight earlier, yet farther north, in the Highlands, it is seldom seen before the first or second week in May.
Eggs are laid during the first or second week of May in the vicinity of American Lake and from one to three weeks earlier in the sage country.
Season: second weekin May, second week in June; two broods.
Season: second week in April to July; two or three broods.
Building operations are usually begun about the fifteenth of May in the latitude of Philadelphia, towards the close of the month in New England, but never later than the first or second week of June.
Second Week, First Day Many men are biased in advance by the unwise treatment to which in their childhood they were subjected.
Second Week, Fourth Day Men are often prejudiced against religion because the churches which they happened to attend in youth urged on them an irrational faith.
Second Week, Second Day Many men are prejudiced against religion during their youthful period of revolt against authority.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "second week" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.