Perhaps one of the most curious of these poems is the "Confession of Golias," in which the poet is made to satirise himself, and he thus gives us a curious picture of the goliard's life.
The chieftains appear also to have encouraged men who could make jokes, and satirise and caricature others; for the company of such men seems to have been cherished, and they are not unfrequently introduced in the stories.
I could not refrain from commenting upon Signor Gratarol's action in this matter, and protesting that I had never meant to satirise the man.
The two accounts agree in essentials, the fundamental difference between them being Gratarol's firm belief that Gozzi meant tosatirise him in the Droghe d'Amore, which Gozzi vehemently denies.
It is impossible to doubt that Bunyan intended to satirise the mode in which state trials were conducted under Charles the Second.
With their corroded figures, rayless glance, And death-like struggle of decaying age, Like painted skeletons in charnel pomp Set forth to satirise the human kind!
But you cannot satirise a hack, if you have no friend to nudge while you do it.
While our friends of the Pui endeavour to cherish and praise women even in their absence, other makers of songs follow another mediƦval tradition and satirise them mercilessly.
The Romans had the adage, "Ficos dividere," to satirise those who strove too cheaply to gain credit for their liberality by cutting up a fig into portions and distributing these.
How happily does this Spanish proverb satirise the readiness to resent what may have been, after all, a quite innocent remark, "He who takes offence has eaten garlic.
His was an age of speculation upon ethical questions, and a humorous foreigner could not but be moved to satirise English methods, which are frequently peculiarly open to this kind of attack.
He could satirise even the Eleusinian mysteries, could deal abundantly in personalities, burlesque the most sacred subjects, and ridicule the most prominent persons in the republic.
Percy Jones, intended tosatirise a group of poets and critics, including Gilfillan, Dobell, Bailey, and Alexander Smith.
Then I will satirise them in a poem,' said Seanchan; and forthwith he chanted so bitter a satire against them that ten mice fell dead at once in his presence.
It was intended to satirise Mr. Knight, the cashier of the South-Sea Company, who fled the country when it became too hot for him.
The opponents of Lord Randolph Churchill, both Liberal and Conservative, did not satirise him nobly and honestly, as one of those great wits to madness near allied.
His ability to satirise society while still leaving it its dignity is unique.
The idea of the piece was tosatirise university politics, but the lack of construction and the laboured manner in which the dramatist introduced his songs and manoeuvred his characters makes it tedious and rather difficult to appreciate.
They contributed literary morsels to the Undergraduate papers which satirised existing institutions in the same youthful manner in which we satirise them.
For, whatever the public may think, neither Editor nor Staff is bound by any consideration to any party or any person, but hold themselves free to satirise or to approve "all round.
All those who hate authors fail tosatirise them, for they always accuse them of the wrong faults.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "satirise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.