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Example sentences for "roole"

Lexicographically close words:
rookery; rookie; rookies; rooks; rooky; room; roomal; roome; roomed; roomer
  1. When Rab Roole was "ree," he was crazy with drink.

  2. Ye loe a' ye see, like Rab Roole when he's ree.

  3. As a roole Mexicans is slow an oninventive; but when the question becomes the arrangement of somethin' to be drunk with, they're plenty fertile.

  4. Downs a party, Toothpick Johnson does, an' no gun on the gent, the same bein' out of roole entire.

  5. As a roole me an' Jerry gets through our dooties harmonious.

  6. As a roole he's defiant of sperits; an' even when he ain't he don't see no refooge in a cross.

  7. It would have been breakin' the trooce as Injuns an' I onderstands sech things; moreover, they let me go free without conditions when I was loser by every roole of the game.

  8. Speakin' social, however, I reasserts that by every roole of guidance, I'm entitled to the first shot.

  9. Moreover, he lets this Silver Phil go onharmed when by every roole his skelp is forfeit.

  10. By every roole of the game that Yank's my captive; but defyin' restraint he goes caperin' on like he's free.

  11. As a roole we don't pay much heed to his observations, the same bein' freequent born of alcohol.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "roole" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.