Florid and sunburned, with white hair and moustache which made his complexion seem to be even more ruddy, he was tall, and slight, and gracefully if not robustly built.
There were five of them present, none of whom would again see a fiftieth birthday, comfortable-looking gentlemen, robustly built, running to fat if we were asked for a concise description.
Colbee was perhaps near thirty, of a less sullen aspect than his comrade, considerably shorter, and not so robustly framed, though better fitted for purposes of activity.
They robustlyheld its tenets until the flame and vengeance of the slavery conflict drove them from political power.
Jackson at the dinner robustly confronted the extremists with his famous toast, "Our federal Union: it must be preserved.
At the hospital it was thought she would have to lose the arm; but she was too robustly made for that.
Little Horatio saidrobustly as he kissed her:-- "Fine!
The women appeared to ail through life, constantly being smitten down by one thing after the other, but at least they stayed alive; while the men, who went year by year out robustly to work, died after a single smiting.