Roadmaster laughed a little and rejoined: "By God, sir, you're a man!
It was on this day that Roadmaster found himself at bay in the mangrove swamp not far from the port of Rahway, where he had expected to find a schooner to take him to the New Hebrides.
Proceed, Captain Louis Bachelor," said Roadmasterin a changed tone.
With the name of Roadmaster often heard at Wandenong, Barbara Golding's heart had no warning instinct of who the bushranger was.
What time does the roadmaster tell you to begin work?
A roadmaster away from division headquarters cannot gain such contact without deserting the subdivision for which he is responsible night and day.
It is fair to say that the roadmastersays he warned you; I say that in justification of him.
Again theroadmaster checked heavily, and the pile driver, taking the elevation like a hurdle, bolted into the Needles, dragging the caboose after it.
The roadmaster nodded and checked a notch, but the fire was in his blood, and he slewed into the hills with a speed unslackened.
It was late Tuesday morning when the tall roadmaster came down, and he was fresh as sunshine.
But there were lusty little Haileys over at the cottage to be looked after, and Bucks, losing a roadmaster about that time, asked Hailey (after chewing it a long time with Callahan) to take the place himself and stay on the staff.
Bucks, irritable from repeated blows of fortune, leaned on the wiry roadmaster as he did on Callahan or Neighbor.
Tuesday morning the tall roadmaster came down fresh as sunshine and all day he worked with Bucks and the despatchers watching the line.
The first trouble came on the main line in the Heart Mountains, and Morris Blood, with the roadmaster of the sixth district and Benedict Morgan, got after it with a crew together.
These two men were leading the ascent; below them could be distinguished the roadmaster and the injured superintendent.
Smith Young, roadmaster of the Pilot branch, an old mountain boy, had gone down from Sleepy Cat before dark, and crawling over the rocks in the dusk had worked his way along the cañon walls to the scene of the disaster.
I am the roadmaster for this district, and I won't allow you or anybody else to close off this road, or any other, without special permission.
And the roadmaster looked first at Dave and his chums and then at those standing on the other side of the barrier.
It was a lucky thing that that roadmaster came along when he did," remarked Sam, when the scene of the encounter had been left behind.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "roadmaster" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.