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Example sentences for "riever"

Lexicographically close words:
rieur; rieure; rieures; rieuse; rieux; rife; riffle; riffled; riffles; riffraff
  1. What wants the riever with it in the grave?

  2. Chancellor Peter and Bishop Brynjalf of Sweden wished to force her into a convent; but the algrev would give her to Sir Algotson, that half her fief and estates might remain in his riever claws.

  3. Like King Glip-eye, you blink disagreeably enough; but I should think myself much to blame, were I to suppose the king a riever and godless evil-doer.

  4. Rimaardson to the landsknechts: "he is a riever and an incendiary!

  5. She was satisfied that the whole retinue, with her husband at their head, were off to the beetling Castle of Tushielaw, from whose heights so many a riever had been precipitated into the Ettrick.

  6. The riever in Cockburn was, however, a character of mere habit; for he possessed qualities of heart and mind which raised him far above the Border chiefs with whom he was usually ranked.

  7. The riever spirit of his forefathers was kept at boiling-point by the possibilities of fortune which lurked there.

  8. I want to break open every box we come to," and he laughed out at her quick surrender to the riever spirit.

  9. In ministering to the cravings of the riever spirit that was strong in him it had also supplied their wants in overwhelming abundance.

  10. It is the old riever spirit in him finding its opportunity.

  11. Starting to his feet, the riever was prepared to meet the baron, of whom he generally stood in so much awe in his old tower of Gilnockie, but who came to him now on a visit of peace.

  12. There was a determination, on the part of the crown authorities, to make an example of the most inveterate riever of the time, and Will stood a very fair chance of being hanged.

  13. This latter part of their art was the highest to which the Borderers aspired; and there never was a riever among them all that excelled in it so much as Christie's Will.

  14. Planting himself in one of the litigants' benches--a line of seats in front of the semicircle where the fifteen Lords sat--the Liddesdale riever took a careful survey of all the wonders of that old laboratory of law.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "riever" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.