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Example sentences for "renomination"

Lexicographically close words:
rennet; renneth; rennets; renominate; renominated; renommee; renoncer; renoun; renounce; renounced
  1. It had favored the renomination of President Arthur, and had convincing evidence of a shameful deal by which certain members of the Illinois delegation, elected as Arthur men, were seduced into the Blaine camp.

  2. To make the President ineligible, as was done in the Confederate States Constitution, and as President Hayes recommends, would take from the Executive the temptation to use the appointing power to receive a renomination or reelection.

  3. Between us, a judge within a year or so of renomination is th' softest mark on th' list.

  4. Because," retorted Big Kennedy, in his hardy way, "he comes up for renomination within two months.

  5. Notwithstanding his positive statements that he would not accept a renomination at the end of his term, and his constant reiteration of this determination, the pressure throughout the country was overwhelming.

  6. Following this, Roosevelt let it be known that he would be the candidate for renomination as Governor.

  7. Having served two terms, he was only prevented seeking a renomination because it had been the custom to alternate the office, every two years, between the northern and southern part of his assembly district.

  8. A candidate for renomination the coming fall, he had already started the machinery to obtain control of delegates needed to consummate his desired wish.

  9. He, however, was convinced that a renomination would have defeated the spirit of the unwritten law that no man should succeed himself a third time in succession.

  10. In amusing contrast to the seriousness of his decision not to accept a renomination comes a characteristic incident in the President’s career.

  11. The following day it required all Mr. Lodge’s determination, and a ringing message over the telephone from the White House itself, to prevent the renomination of my brother.

  12. Two or three days ago I learned that McLean had appointed delegates in favor of Lovejoy, and thenceforward I have considered his renomination a fixed fact.

  13. Other Union men, of undoubted patriotism and high standing, persuaded themselves, and sought to persuade the people, that Lincoln's renomination was ill advised and dangerous to the Union cause.

  14. But even after his renomination the opposition to Lincoln within the ranks of the Union party did not subside.

  15. The Governor's anti-rent friends urged his renomination with the earnest voice of a brave people; but John Young was destined to be the comet of a season only.

  16. On the 6th of March, therefore, he accepted renomination on a ticket with Stephen Van Rensselaer for lieutenant-governor.

  17. Dickinson, a doughty Conservative, to accept a renomination for lieutenant-governor, notwithstanding Silas Wright had especially asked it.

  18. The faction clamored for his renomination and pushed their spirited, if poorly generalled, fight to the floor of the convention.

  19. Van Buren lost the Democratic renomination through his opposition to annexation, and the Southern Democrats secured the candidacy of James K.

  20. One of the strongest opponents of Grant's renomination was the New York Tribune, of which Horace Greeley was editor.

  21. The position I had accepted soon became known, and I began to give the fullest interviews, each one an argument for the renomination of the president.

  22. Mr. Seward was devoted to the president and made every possible effort to secure his renomination and election.

  23. Mr. Chase was doing his best to prevent Mr. Lincoln's renomination and secure it for himself.

  24. There was no division as to the renomination of Mr. Lincoln, but it was generally conceded that the vice-president should be a war Democrat.

  25. On the day of his renomination at Baltimore, Mr. Lincoln was engaged at the War Department in constant telegraphic communication with General Grant, who was then in front of Richmond.

  26. As the Democrats were almost unanimously in favor of the renomination of Van Buren, it was not difficult to manage their convention of that year.

  27. Already nominated by many of the States, his friends had no difficulty in securing him a unanimous renomination from the Democratic National Convention which met in Baltimore late in May, 1832.

  28. He could see nothing to get excited about over the renomination and election of Judge Van Dorn.

  29. Naturally the delegates who were for the Judge's renomination displayed much enthusiasm, and it was a noisy moment.

  30. And it happened thus: Anne Sands had opinions about the renomination and reëlection of Judge Van Dorn.

  31. It is possible they talked about the weather and that the question of the renomination of Judge Adams, and his views and opinions or inclinations with reference to the distillery, may not have been mentioned between them.

  32. The latter named judge's term expired the first of January, 1888, and either his renomination or the nomination of some one in lieu of him came before the republican convention to be held in August.

  33. While the subject was in this unsettled condition Cleveland received his invitation to the Reform Club, and was urged by some of his advisors not to endanger his chances of renomination by taking sides on the issue.

  34. He naturally wished for a renomination and an opportunity to prove by an election that he had been "fraudulently" deprived of the presidency in 1876.

  35. Jackson's renomination was already made by the sovereign people, which might be justly affronted by the assembling of a body in apparent doubt whether to obey the popular decree.

  36. He refused a renomination because of ill-health, and died soon after retiring from office.

  37. The result was that he soon became involved in a bitter quarrel with Clay and the other leaders of the party, which effectually; killed any chance of renomination he may have had.

  38. I felt very badly over President Harrison's defeat, as I had done everything I could to secure, first, his renomination and then his re-election.

  39. The Tribune was then supporting Blaine with all its power, and I determined that Mr. Medill should not have his way; hence I became one of the leaders in the renomination of President Harrison.

  40. I talked with numerous Representatives and Senators, and it really seemed to me as if there was hardly any one in favor of the renomination of Mr. Lincoln.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "renomination" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.