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Example sentences for "relme"

Lexicographically close words:
relive; relived; reliving; relligion; rellish; reload; reloaded; reloading; relocate; relocated
  1. There went also among other diuers Noble men foorth of this relme of England, speciallie that worthilie bare the surname of Beauchampe.

  2. This order was after brought into England by one called Walter Espeke, who founded the first abbeie of that religion within this relme at Riuall, about the yeare of Grace 1131.

  3. For these witnesses & saiengs of famous doctors being true, I am onelie the vndubitate heire to lord Richard Plantagenet duke of Yorke, adiudged to be the verie heire to the crowne of this relme by authoritie of parlement.

  4. In witnesse whereof, we haue set our seales to these presents, as well for vs, as for the whole communaltie of the foresaid relme of England.

  5. That no religious person or préest should be permitted to passe the seas, or to come into the relme of England, except he had letters of safe conduct from the iusticers for passage ouer, and of the king for his returne from thence.

  6. Also mistrusting that the Scots might now (hauing such opportunitie) inuade the relme againe; he appointed the lord Th.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "relme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.