Shortly after his arrival there, he commenced to rearrange the different commands in the army to suit the plans which he intended to enter upon in the spring, and out of this grew a change in my career.
Bud attempted to grip it against his ribs, but the thing had developed a slipperiness that threatened the whole load, so he stopped to rearrange his packages, and got an irritated sentence or two from his passengers.
Then, dropping the gopher unconcernedly in her pocket, she proceeded to rearrange her toilet.
Strange as it may seem, Mrs. Byers here displayed an equal animation in her fresh face as she rose promptly to her feet and began to rearrange her dust cloak around her buxom figure.
The book, as it now appears, is in such a disordered condition that Christian scholars have to separate it into numerous parts and rearrange them in order to make a consecutive and intelligible narrative.
When the question of the walking tour was broached, Bess, owing to home engagements, had at first reluctantly refused, then had managed to rearrange her holidays and had joined the party after all.
He glanced at the young couple in the pew, and began to dust and rearrange the hymn-books.
We owe it, however, to ourselves to say that we do not wish in any way to impair or to rearrange the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Here the contents of a cell contract and rearrange themselves only after contact of the cell with one of another filament of the plant.
Here the contents of the cell contract, rearrange themselves, and burst the side of the containing wall, becoming free as a reproductive cell.
No one, however, is likely to have written even a page upon any subject at all intricate without having to pause to rearrange the clauses of some involved sentence or of some confused paragraph.
It is convenient to have these notes on slips of paper, since it is thus easy to arrange and to rearrange them.
Years before Rossini had thought of setting the sparkling comedy of Beaumarchais to music, and Sterbini, the author of the libretto used by Paisiello, had proposed to rearrange the story.
He was under contract to produce two new operas annually, to rearrange all old scores, and to conduct at all of the theatres ruled by this manager.
Was it possible to rearrange these letters and, employing them all, to form one, two or three complete words?
I reprint articles that have been read over and over again; I copy out old interviews: but all these things I rearrange and classify and put to the exact test of truth.
He spoke truly; and Sophronia, with a sigh, assented to such an arrangement, suggesting that we could rearrangethe furniture afterward, and stipulating only that the lounge should be placed in the front of the room.
And Mrs. Burton found occasion to rearrange the bandage on her husband's face so as to whisper in his ear: "Thank Heaven!
When Vandover and his friends came up between dances, to brush their hair or to rearrange their neckties, they found him enveloped in a blue haze of smoke, his feet on a chair, his shirt bosom broken, and his waistcoat unbuttoned.
When we have found that out we shall be able to rearrange our scale of virtues.
Mrs. Warden remembered his visit to Jopalez, and it took her some time to rearrange him in her mind as a person of wealth and standing.
The puzzle is so to rearrange the Planets that all the Stars shall be in line with one or more of them.
The puzzle is to rearrange the dominoes in the same form so that all of the four sides shall sum to 44.
Now, the puzzle I propose is to rearrange the counters so as to get as large a product as possible.
The jailer has queer superstitions about odd and even numbers, and he wants to rearrange the ten prisoners so that there shall be as many even rows of men, vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, as possible.
Illustration] The puzzle is to rearrange the fifty-one pieces on the chessboard so that no queen shall attack another queen, no rook attack another rook, no bishop attack another bishop, and no knight attack another knight.
Can you rearrange the ten cards in the same formation so that all four sides shall add up alike?
The puzzle is to rearrange these blocks so that no A shall be in a line vertically, horizontally, or diagonally with another A, no B with another B, no C with another C, and so on.
But owing to the internal rigidity which exists in cold metal the steel is unable to change into its more stable phase until atoms can rearrange themselves by the application of heat.
Paddy was constrained to laugh again at the recollection, but she busied herself trying to rearrange the tomatoes in a secure fashion, and absolutely refused to look at Lawrence.
Paddy was instantly mollified, and he saw it, and took the opportunity to get up and rearrange her rug.
Horatia rose from her knees, and bending over him began very gently to rearrange a pillow.
She had paused to rearrange a vase of flowers which stood upon a small table, when a movement behind her caused her to turn; and she found herself face to face with Daniel Lane, who had just risen from the sofa.
Nance had bent torearrange some roses in her belt.
He paused to push his hat from his hot forehead and to rearrange the bridle.
Therefore he commenced busily to rearrangethe packets in the steel drawers, just as he had found them, preparatory to relocking the safe and retiring to his room.
On the second night, while they were at the villa, he being alone, she sat with him in the library after dinner watching him rearrange a series of papers in the safe.
He was compelled to draw back for a moment and to rearrange his plans.
Diplomatists from all nations were summoned to meet at Vienna, to rearrange the map of Europe and parcel out Napoleon's ill-gotten spoils.
While the children drew, Mr. Bryan would lean on Miss Jenny's desk, rearrange his white necktie, and talk to her.
In order to realize the full possibilities of the new apparatus of human life they had to rearrange their affairs upon a broader basis, either by some sort of voluntary union or by a union imposed upon them by some predominant power.
His retrospective contemplation has merely to retrace the history of its attainment, or rather to rearrange it in the more pleasing order which he calls ‘logical’.
All he is doing is to rearrange a piece of knowledge, acquired without his aid by means he condemns as illicit, in the order he is pleased to call ‘logical’.