Baron de Vaux, in his book Ecuyers et Ecuyères, tells us that Emilie Loisset, who was a brilliant high school rider, was killed by a rearer coming over with her.
Indeed, O thou of unfading glory, the rearer should perform all the purificatory rites with respect to such a son according to the practices of the rearer's own race and kinsmen.
Such a son, again, comes to be regarded as belonging to that order to which his owner or rearer belongs.
As regards the girl also, O Yudhishthira, that should be bestowed in marriage upon such a son, who belongs to the order of the rearer himself, All this is to be done only when the order of son's true mother cannot be ascertained.
The rearer must also take care at the time he gathers them, to separate the cocoons which are to provide eggs for the next year.
The Abbe Boissier de Sauvages published, about 1760, some works, which prove him to have been a patient observer, an accurate reasoner, and a clever rearer of silkworms.
A provident silkworm-rearer has always at his disposal a cellar or cool room, so as to be able to stow away his leaves as soon as they are brought in from the country.
All physicians are agreed that the preparation of woman for her calling as mother and rearer of children leaves almost everything to be wished.
Hence the endeavor to keep women by legislative enactments, from occupations that are especially injurious to the female organism, and by means of protective laws to safeguard her as a mother and rearer of children.
Reared females are apt to be deformed, but for "assembling" they may probably be as useful as more perfect examples if the rearer happens to be able to exhibit the attraction in a locality for the species.
The caterpillar is not an easy one {160} to deal with during hibernation, so that it would always be to the advantage of the rearer to get it through to the perfect state the same year, whenever possible.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rearer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.