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Example sentences for "reabsorb"

Lexicographically close words:
rdination; rdlingen; rdoba; rdova; reabsorbed; reabsorption; reaccept; reach; reache
  1. And as the magician easily retracts, whenever he likes, the magical illusion which he had emitted, so the embodied soul also would be able to reabsorb this world into itself.

  2. The fact is, however, that the embodied soul cannot reabsorb its own body even.

  3. Where are we to find the means to abolish and reabsorb the evil?

  4. This gradual divergence testifies to a radical incompatibility, and points to the fact that it is impossible for intelligence to reabsorb instinct.

  5. Thus, to the eyes of a philosophy that attempts to reabsorb intellect in intuition, many difficulties vanish or become light.

  6. As well contend that the part is equal to the whole, that the effect can reabsorb its cause, or that the pebble left on the beach displays the form of the wave that brought it there.

  7. Scarcely any industry can grow fast enough to reabsorb into skilled or semi-skilled positions the displaced workmen.

  8. The expansion of the industry will create some good jobs, but not enough to reabsorb the Americans displaced.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reabsorb" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.