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Example sentences for "ravisher"

Lexicographically close words:
ravines; raving; ravings; ravish; ravished; ravishers; ravishes; ravishing; ravishingly; ravishment
  1. A free fight ensues, in the course of which the ravisher is vanquished and pretends to fly, but as soon as the pursuit slackens he returns, waits for a favourable moment, and catches his prey round the waist.

  2. They never fail, however, to exact vengeance from the mock ravisher in the shape of fearful abuse and a more or less substantial fine.

  3. They seemed to have arranged the order of combat with one another before they attacked the would-be ravisher of their home.

  4. The affair ought to be brought before the Council of Ten, but the mother of the ravisher claims to be a relative of mine, and I do not intend to interfere.

  5. Its blaze was before her eyes when they ceased to see--lighting her ravisher along the forest path.

  6. And as the ravisher pronounced these words, he commenced dragging his shrieking victim across the room towards the stair entrance.

  7. The light flashed at once upon Glyndon's mind,--the ravisher had borne away his prize.

  8. Cut the traces of their carriage and the bridles of their horses," said Zicci, as he entered the vehicle containing Isabel, and which now drove on rapidly, leaving the discomfited ravisher in a state of rage and stupor impossible to describe.

  9. The ravisher has no heart for repentance, but he has a hand that can murder.

  10. When the ravisher makes play with her sting, the Bee does the same with hers and furiously.

  11. The huntress of Grey Worms induces a temporary torpor of the mandibles; the ravisher of Bees makes them eject their honey.

  12. He loved the knight, But sovereign monarchs are the source of right: Moved by the damsel's tears and common cry, He doomed the brutal ravisher to die.

  13. She had at first considered her ravisher in no other light than as hateful and despicable, but she was now compelled to regard this venomous little animal, as the arbiter of her fate, and the master of her fortunes.

  14. As well can the lover forgive the ravisher of his mistress, as the continent forgive the murders of Britain.

  15. As well can the lover forgive the ravisher of his mistress, | as the continent forgive the murders of Britain.

  16. Let it fly as unconfined As its calm ravisher the wind, Who hath left his darling, th' East, To wanton o'er that spicy nest.

  17. List, I charge thee, my gentle Ipsithilla, Lovely ravisher and my dainty mistress, Say we'll linger a lazy noon together.

  18. Else admire not if each ravisher angrily fly.

  19. By Welsh laws, for every damsel who had been outraged the ravisher was required to pay a heavy fine.

  20. The daughter's name was Alcolom, signifying Ravisher of hearts, because her beauty was so perfect that whoever saw her could not avoid loving her.

  21. This was the genie, the ravisher of the fair princess of the isle of Ebene, who had thus disguised himself, after he had treated her with the utmost barbarity.

  22. During this brief scene, Sir Everard had dropped upon one knee, and supporting his elbow on the other, aimed his rifle at the heart of the ravisher of his wife.

  23. Ravisher of Hearts" and his names for the six slave-girls (vol.

  24. In books war is great, but in reality war is a destroyer, a ravisher of life.

  25. Awaken that ye may flee; awaken that ye may save yourselves; for he has come, the slayer of your sons, the ravisher of your daughters, he who will lay your fields waste.

  26. Nor does the ravisher check the reins of his airy course, before he reaches the people and the walls of the Ciconians.

  27. The ravisher drives on his chariot, and encourages his horses, called, each by his name, along whose necks and manes he shakes the reins, dyed with swarthy rust.

  28. For, indeed, a daughter of thine is not deserving of a ravisher for a husband, if now my own daughter is.

  29. But if they are informed that the ravisher is equal or superior in rank, or other circumstances, to the youth, they pursue and oppose the former slightly, merely in conformity with the custom.

  30. This show of resistance does not end, till the youth is received into the Andreium to which the ravisher belongs.

  31. He that abortive corn cuts off his ground, No husband but a ravisher is found: 10 So those that reap their love before they wed, Do in effect but cuckold their own bed.

  32. The name Shekhem [Shechem] figures in the Hebrew myth as the ravisher of Dinah, Jacob’s daughter.

  33. Thus the mythical appellation refers to the early morning, the red glow, as the ravisher of the sun; and the same amorous connexion is expressed in various ways in the Aryan mythology also.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ravisher" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    betrayer; deceiver; marauder; plunderer; raider; ravager; ravisher; seducer; wrecker