These and other like provocations were not only discouraging but very irritating, and Mr. Adams was not of that careless disposition which is little affected by unjust accusation.
She seemed to be more closely engaged in retorting by manual signals to the distant provocations of her male rivals.
For years Essenland has writhed under the provocations of Ruritania, but has preserved a dignified silence; this last insult is more than flesh and blood can stand.
Will you say that your provocations were less then than now?
He would assure the House the spirit of the people is not up to it at this time; if so, there would be no necessity of those provocations to excite this false spirit--this kind of Dutch courage.
Experience to a sensitive and inquiring mind is full of challenges and provocations to look further.
Still circumstances may arise, provocations may be given, which will amply justify such a man in presenting the most unqualified statements in favour of the principles he is supposed to represent.
And it is only on rare provocations that we can rise to take an outlook beyond daily concerns, and comprehend the narrow limits and great possibilities of our existence.
But it was impossible for human nature to endure the provocations inflicted upon this patient and prosperous people.
What do ye think the man will think within himself, who will stand before God, and be absolved in judgment by Jesus Christ, notwithstanding his provocations above many of them?
All the provocations of men, how just soever, are in the sight of this groundless and vain, like a child’s indignation.
But the looking upon gross provocations as singularities, makes them more general, because every man does not charge himself with the corruption that is in all these, but prefers himself to another.
In truth, Napoleon had exasperated the Spaniards no less than their soi disant king, by a series of provocationsextending over the year 1810.
But, in the present instance, it may be questioned whether he had not sought by his exasperating provocations to drive Prussia into alliance with the Czar.
I would not shock you; but you know, I believe, the severity of the law, whatever verbal provocations may have been given you.
Whatever might be the provocations of Chosroes, he abused the confidence of treaties; and the just reproaches of dissimulation and falsehood could only be concealed by the lustre of his victories.
They dissembled the provocations which might excuse or justify his rigor, but even these provocations must gradually inflame his resentment and harden his temper in the use or the abuse of despotism.
Other crimes are committed in passion; but such criminals need education and training in self-control, and (often) removal of theprovocations which set their passions afire.
The wiser contemporaries of this movement agreed to abandon its provocations and to consign it to oblivion or misconception.
But, on the other hand, who can believe that a man so capable of doing his fellow-citizens good and honour, would have experienced such excessive enmity, had he not carried to excess the provocations of his pride and scorn?
At any rate, he probably roused what was excitable in his wife's temper, with provocations from his own; for the nature of the latter is not to be doubted, whereas there is nothing but tradition to shew for the bitterness of hers.
God gave them to Moses that he might carry them in his bosom, that he might show gentleness and patience towards them, under all the provocations wherewith they would provoke him from that time till he had brought them to their land.
It is not to be imagined, the trials and provocations that the Son of God hath all along had with these people that have been given to him to save.
When I returned to England, when I entered the ship I resolved that I would not have any difference with any one during my passage; whatever provocations I might meet with, I would not notice them; and that resolution I kept to the last.
The mutual provocationsof a religious war, which had already continued above two hundred years, exasperated the animosity of the contending parties.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "provocations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.