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Example sentences for "prospered"

Lexicographically close words:
prospects; prospectus; prospectuses; prosper; prospera; prospereth; prospering; prosperite; prosperitie; prosperities
  1. A settlement was formed, which prospered in spite of the continual quarrels between the males of the two races.

  2. This Company was formed, chartered, and prospered and fell, soon after the return of Rogers and Dampier.

  3. As the world can not have two suns, so Athens could not be prospered by the presence of two such great men, each advocating different views.

  4. Hyrcanus was prospered in his reign, and destroyed the rival temple on Mount Gerizim, while the temple of Jerusalem resumed its ancient dignity and splendor.

  5. He prospered well, and all winter trudged to and fro, seemingly a common peddler, but really a student, making the world his book, and bent on learning all he could.

  6. Daisy looked as if her shopping had prospered wonderfully though the old necklace was the only ornament she wore; and those who saw her happy face at the merry-making thought that she needed no other.

  7. In this spirit he set about teaching, and prospered wonderfully, for his own great love of learning made it an easy and delightful task to help others as he had longed to be helped.

  8. However, he found moose plentiful, and he and his dogs prospered on the meat diet.

  9. The house of Maxwell prospered until the reign of James the Sixth; by whom John, Lord Maxwell, was created Earl of Morton, and made Warden of the Marches: but a reverse of fortune ensued.

  10. Yet it is said that the Lord hath manifestly prospered our armies.

  11. I consider my humble efforts prospered in that not one of my sheep hath ever indued the wolf's clothing of war, save for the comparatively innocent diversion of a militia training.

  12. As the chief port of north-west Asia Minor, the place prospered greatly in Roman times, and the existing remains sufficiently attest its former importance.

  13. By God I swear, so may He, who has prospered me thus far in this my revenge, prosper me to the end!

  14. Throughout this period, the island prospered and became one of East Asia's economic "Tigers.

  15. They have prospered more in religion, they have more homes, are wealthier, multiply faster, and live longer than in New England, and they are exempt from the curse of organized infidelity and lawless violence.

  16. The facts which we have now examined, if they prove any thing, prove that religion has prospered more among slaveholders at the South, than it has among free men in New England.

  17. The experience of past ages, he said, proved that England always prospered in proportion as she had relinquished her commercial connexions with that country.

  18. But though New Amsterdam grew and prospered in the years after Peter Minuit bought Manhattan, life there did not run as smoothly as it might.

  19. In two years, my affairs prospered so well that I became worth a million, but, all the same, I went bankrupt.

  20. He said that he was delighted that the work of the agricultural exhibition had prospered so famously under his patronage.

  21. He also begged the Prince twice over graciously to crown the work which had prospered so famously under his patronage, and to open the agricultural exhibition.

  22. Mr. Turner was a benevolent Englishman who prospered in this immediate locality as a brewer, and died in 1866.

  23. He nevertheless afterwards prospered in his enterprise, and acquired property.

  24. He had preached to them, he said, because they were too poor to pay a better man; the Lord had prospered them, and he cheerfully made way for a successor who had not only religious enthusiasm, but extensive learning as well.

  25. Other families had their holidays, and owned guns and dogs, which they used in hunting the wild game then so abundant; but there was little of this at our house, and perhaps this was the reason why we prospered more than those around us.

  26. Yes," said my friend, "and he seems to have prospered as richly by it.

  27. At one time there seemed a probability of the enlargement of the author's gains by subscription publication, and one very well-known American author prospered fabulously in that way.

  28. Macaulay justly said that many an army has prospered under a bad commander, but no army has ever prospered under a 'debating society;' that many-headed monster is then fatal.

  29. Thus Epicureanism never prospered at Rome, but Stoicism did; the stiff, serious character of the great prevailing nation was attracted by what seemed a confirming creed, and deterred by what looked like a relaxing creed.

  30. After my good and excellent mistress, Mrs Dacre, departed this life for a better, it seemed as if nothing ever prospered in the family, whom I had the honour of serving in the capacity of confidential housekeeper.

  31. Enough of sorrow, wreck, and blight; Think rather of those moments bright 20 When to the consciousness of right His course was true, When Wisdom prospered in his sight And virtue grew.

  32. He became governor of the island, which prospered under his rule.

  33. After this the robbers dared not again go near their house; but everything prospered so well with the four town musicians of Bremen, that they did not forsake their situation!

  34. With the book in his hand he returned to his old home, and giving up all his old vain wishes, tried to live a good and useful life and to observe the lessons taught him in the book, and he and his house prospered henceforth.

  35. But he has never prospered in his evil-doing, and to-day he is but an adventurer without a name, who lives by blackmail, and by ruining women that he may rob them at his leisure.

  36. You have prospered long, but a day may be at hand when your prosperity shall cease with your breath.

  37. Joshua Pedlar and his wife have prospered equally well in Canada; and they are now in possession of a large mercantile establishment at Quebec.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prospered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.