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Example sentences for "proscribing"

Lexicographically close words:
prosaic; prosaically; proscenium; proscribe; proscribed; proscription; proscriptions; proscriptive; prose; prosector
  1. Allusion to this act proscribing aids to beauty leads to the consideration of the matter of costume and adornment.

  2. In the fifth century, prohibitions were issued proscribing the founding of any more monasteries for monks and nuns together and ordering the partitioning of those which already existed.

  3. At the same time the Negro suffered from reactionary measures restricting their emancipation, prohibiting free Negroes from entering the State, and proscribing their education.

  4. The trades unions were then proscribing the employment of colored mechanics.

  5. Without knowledge of Greek or Hebrew, and animated by a prejudiced hostility against authors, they take the easy course of proscribing what they feel incapable of judging.

  6. Still there was no edict openly proscribing the name of Catholic, and punishing its bearer with death.

  7. Although it was not till the 10th that the propositions for proscribing the small notes and enlarging bank partnerships were formally brought forward, yet they were incidentally up to that period the subject of discussion.

  8. The principle of the measure therefore could be resisted only by those who held that the pecuniary relations of the country were best secured by proscribing a metallic currency.

  9. The very females of America partook of the general spirit of resistance; for they entered into associations among themselves, proscribing the use of tea.

  10. Parsons's policy of "proscribing proscription" was greatly disliked by those who would profit by disfranchisement.

  11. He accordingly waited, thinking, he who had dared so much, that his enemies would shrink from proscribing him.

  12. But while thus proscribing the leaders, Robespierre had carefully protected the sects.

  13. Others saw themselves excluded for violation of the sacred rules of the congregation proscribing participation in the worldly joys.

  14. Go through the Theodosian and Justinian codes, and you will find no law proscribing the marriages of persons of another creed, not even when contracted between them and Catholics.

  15. Christian morality, by attaching shame to connections between unmarried people, by rendering marriage indissoluble, and proscribing concubinage by ecclesiastical censures, has rendered adultery common.

  16. That, for his own part, he saw no reason for proscribing all Lord North's people from office, but he should not like to see them in Government.

  17. Among so many religions, mutually excluding and proscribing each other, one only is true, if indeed any one of them is true.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proscribing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.