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Example sentences for "preest"

Lexicographically close words:
preen; preened; preening; preens; prees; preestablished; preestes; preests; preexistence; preexistent
  1. And therfor she prayeth yow that ye aspie besily if the preest come into thir countre or noght.

  2. The bishop of Lincolne did excommunicat a preest within his diocesse, that was accused of incontinencie.

  3. Also, all such women as were conuict to haue dealt carnallie with a preest were appointed by the same decree to doo open penance.

  4. Wherfore than sayth the preest after the offytorie, in hym tournyng to the Pourquoy doncques dit le prestre apres loffertoire, en soi tournant au people, pray for me, etc.

  5. Ye shall thynke to the mystery of the masse and shall herken the wordes Uous penserés au mistére de la messe et accouterés les parolles that the preest say.

  6. The werre is moder of the wronges alle; It sleeth the preest in holy chirche at masse, Forlyth the mayde, and doth her flour to falle.

  7. By yere ech preest shall paye his fee To encrese his lemmans call; Suche herdes shull well yvell thee, And all such false shull foul fall!

  8. Ech Christen preest to prechen ow, 545 From god above they ben send.

  9. Beside this there is moreouer the Ile of Alderney a verie pretie plot, about seuen miles in compasse, wherin a preest not long since did find a [Sidenote: Comment.

  10. I was not desired to write unto you of no on persone, so God be my help, yourself except; but I wold ye wold take avise and counsell of the Preest that hadde you soo long under hand on Shorthursday,[88.

  11. For if a priest be foul, on whom we trust, No wonder is a lewed man to rust; Well ought a preest ensample for to give, By his clenenesse how his shepe shulde live.

  12. But it were any persone obstinat, What so he were of highe or low estate, Him wolde he snibben[289] sharply for the nones, A better preest I trow that nowhere none is.

  13. Ac it is noght by the bisshope That the boy precheth; 160 For the parisshe preest and the pardoner Parten the silver, That the poraille of the parisshe Sholde have, if thei ne were.

  14. Archa Dei in the olde lawe Levytes it kepten; 7670 Hadde nevere lewed man leve To leggen hond on that cheste, But he were preest or preestes sone, Patriark or prophete.

  15. I have maad avowes fourty, And foryete hem on the morwe; I perfournede nevere penaunce As the preest me highte; Ne right sory for my synnes Yet was I nevere.

  16. God gave preest that dignite, And letteth them in his stede amonge us be, Thus be they above aungels in degre.

  17. There is no emperour, kyng, duke, ne baron That of God hath commissyon, As hath the leest preest in the world beynge.

  18. The preest byndeth and unbindeth all bandes, Bothe in erthe and in heven.

  19. It happened dyuers to be in communicacyon, amonge whome there was a curate or a parysshe preest and one John Dawe, a parisshon of his; whiche ii had communicacyon more busy than other in thys maner.

  20. Of the preest that sayd nother Corpus meus nor Corpum meum.

  21. This preest thought that one myght nat by felynge knowe one from a nother in the darke.

  22. And incontynent thys gentylman went to the preest and sayd: syr, here is a skoller, a kynnysman of myne, gretly dyseasyed wyth the chyncough.

  23. The preest grantyd hym, and tornyd hym to the skoler, and sayd: syr, I shall serue you as sone as I haue sayd masse.

  24. Goddys blessynge haue thy harte for warnynge me thereof; and because I slepte not well all this nyght, I pray the brynge my stole to me: for I wyll go thyder to loke, whether I can take a nappe there, whyle the preest is prechynge.

  25. I trowe thou hast som frere or preest with thee!

  26. This preest him bisieth in al that he can To doon as this chanoun, this cursed man, Comanded him, and faste he blew the fyr, 1260 For to come to theffect of his desyr.

  27. Thou shalt nat eek renne to the preest sodeynly, to tellen him lightly thy sinne, as who-so telleth a Iape or a tale, but avysely and with greet devocioun.

  28. For if a preest be foul, on whom we truste, No wonder is a lewed man to ruste; And shame it is, if a preest take keep, A shiten shepherde and a clene sheep.

  29. Jhon Gerrarde ye Jhezewt preest that escaip out of the Tower and Richard Blount a Seamry preest of estymacion, and a thirde preest intend to passe our rather after then wth the Lo Imbass at Dovr Rye or thirabowtts upon yt coast.

  30. How Appius the highe preest of the tempill of Mynerfe, albeit he was blinde, of good corage purposid tofore the Romains to make werre withe king Pirrus then to be com subjet to her auncient ennemy king Pirrus.

  31. And the ladyes tolde syre Launcelot that quene Gueneuer tolde them all or she passyd, that syr Launcelot had been preest nere a twelue moneth, and hither he cometh as faste as he may for to fetche my corps.

  32. I pray to Christ, if my wyshe be no synne, 270 That the preest may breke his neck, whan he comes in.

  33. Here they fyght by the erys a whyle, and than the preest and the wyfe go out of the place.

  34. Loke how the pyld preest crammyth in; That wold to God he myght therwith choke.

  35. By the good lorde this is a pyteous warke-- But nowe I se well the olde proverbe is treu: The parysshe preest forgetteth that ever he was clarke!

  36. I am no preest man, therfore yf thou wylt be shryuen thou must seke a preest to whome thou maye be lawfully confessed.

  37. Mactaggart calls it "Preest Cat," and says that it is an ingleside game.

  38. This rhyme is common in the "Preest Cat" sport toward the border.

  39. For if a preest be foul, on whom we truste, No wonder is a lewed man to ruste; And shame it is, if a preest take keep, A dirty shepherde and a clene sheep.

  40. Wel oghte a preest ensample for to yive, By his clennesse, how that his sheep shold live.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "preest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.