And accordingly he afterward powred this Spirit of Salt upon Lead, which he had put into a Glass Dish, usual for Conditures and Confections.
Bellows strongly, for exciting the heat more vehemently; a little after he powred out of the crucible, most pure Gold, upon the Red stones, which were in the Kitchen.
Ne may thee helpe the manie hartie vow, Which thy olde sire with sacred pietie Hath powred forth for thee, and th'altars sprent* Nought may thee save from heavens avengëment!
With that she powred foorth a brackish flood 415 Of bitter teares, and made exceeding mone; And all her sisters, seeing her sad mood, With lowd laments her answered all at one.
And when I haue powred them out for thee, I will cause my soule, which thou hast heretofore so carefully kepte, to be ioyned wyth thine.
For who will endeavour to obey the Laws, if he expect Obedience to be Powred or Blown into him?
Afterwards it is powred into vatts, and when it is cold, it is carried in soes [wooden pails], into the cellar and is put into vessels.
And in the middest of them this renowned and famous Queene in great pompe and vnspeakeable statelynes, and the hemmes of hir vestures so edged and set with pearle and stone, as if nature had rayned and powred them down vpon hir.
And Iacob set vp a marke in the place where he talked with him: euen a pilloure of stone/ & powred drynkeoffringe theron and powred also oyle thereon/ and called the name of the place where God spake with him/ Bethell.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "powred" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.