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Example sentences for "portar"

Lexicographically close words:
portal; portals; portam; portano; portant; portare; portas; portat; portata; portato
  1. Bunnok with that deliverly Raucht till the portar sic ane rout That blude and harnys bath com out.

  2. The portar son he hynt in to that stryff, 1635 Twyss throuch the hede he stekit him with a knyff.

  3. Gud Wallace than straik the portar him sell; Dede our the roch in to the dik he fell; Leit doun the brig, and blew his horne on hycht.

  4. Unto the yeitt thir twa pertly furth raid; 1020 The portar come with owt langar abaid.

  5. A cruell portar gat apon the wall, 505 Powit out a pyn, the portculys leit fall.

  6. Rychard Wallace the turngreys weill has seyn; He folowit fast apon the portar keyn, A tour the wall dede in the dyk him draiff, Tuk wp the port, and leit in all the layff.

  7. Chi si lascia mettere in spalla la capra, indi a poco รจ sforzato a portar la vacca.

  8. Thus quhil the portar in sleip sowpit lyis, The entre tho Eneas occupyis, And owr the fludis bank ful swyftly sprent, Quhais passage is onreturnabill went.

  9. Whill the said Williame and the Portar talked, and his servandis maid thame to look the work and the workemen, approched Normound Leslye with his company; and becaus thei war in no great nomber, thei easilie gat entress.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "portar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.