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Example sentences for "polishing"

Lexicographically close words:
polis; polished; polisher; polishers; polishes; polisht; polisman; polite; politely; politeness
  1. How to prepare a polishing solution for ferrotype plates.

  2. Directions for polishing ferrotype plates will be found in Nos.

  3. Copper discs with flattened circumference are used for polishing the glass, and for this purpose, emery mixed with oil, is applied to the edges of their circumference.

  4. The caul or frame is then removed, the paper used to keep the thin veneer together before gluing is scraped off, and the work of finishing and French polishing takes place.

  5. French polishing preserves woods liable to split, such as oak, from the too rapid action of the air.

  6. He was back at the fountain polishing the counter.

  7. They look to yours truly like--" The bartender pulled himself up short and began polishing the top of the bar vigorously.

  8. He did not see his way to polishing and finishing it so that it would be safe.

  9. It was now tenanted by a small lift-boy, who was polishing brass fittings, and whistling the latest air with a good deal of vigour and a reasonable amount of accuracy.

  10. In the midst of a final desultory polishing of her silver, Tuppence was disturbed by the ringing of the front door bell, and went to answer it.

  11. Ah, my friend, the polishing of those jewels took far longer than the polishing of the Kohinoor.

  12. How may piano study be compared with the polishing of beautiful jewels?

  13. When the ancient Egyptians had finished the building of a pyramid, they began polishing it at the top, proceeding downward.

  14. Early in the afternoon of the day before we left the dock, as I was polishing brass on deck, my father appeared before me, as abruptly as a spirit.

  15. I was bending over the brass on the bridge railing, polishing away.

  16. A kind of fine sand from the banks of the Trent, used as a polishing powder.

  17. The dreary monotony of fetching water and fuel from below and polishing the boots of that arch-scoundrel Farewell would have made a less stout spirit quail.

  18. I don't think that Farewell ever suspected me, but it is a fact that never once did he leave me alone in his study whilst I was at work there polishing the oak floor.

  19. He took it home, and upon cleaning and polishing it, found it to consist of pure silver, perfectly round, more than two feet in diameter, and weighing upwards of twenty pounds.

  20. Those nasty Tightlaces for a guinea," observed the Major, polishing his nails, while Mrs. Yammerton predicted the Larkspurs.

  21. Had they been polishing a knife or oiling a lock, they could scarcely have been more business-like or less tender.

  22. We went into one of the living rooms in the fort and made ourselves look more respectable, Jose coming with us and polishing Gerald's boots and gaiters till you could see your face in them.

  23. Principle is such, that supposing the Mandrils well made, and of a good length, and supposing great care be used in working and polishing them, I see no reason, but that a Glass of 1000.

  24. For polishing tables after hot dishes leave a white spot, take a cloth wet in alcohol, then have one wet in sweet oil.

  25. Old pieces of velveteen that have served their original purpose should be saved for polishing cloths.

  26. There are thick ones, with straps across the wrist to wear when polishing the ranges, then there are others to put on when scrubbing the sink or floors, and still thinner ones with chamois cloth inside to use for polishing silverware.

  27. Though he said all this in his frivolous way, the way seemed, for that once, a conscious polishing of but an ugly surface.

  28. Steel or polished stoves may be well cleaned in a few minutes, by using a piece of fine-corned emery stone, and afterwards polishing with flour of emery or rottenstone.

  29. But when steel has contracted rust, the method of cleaning and polishing it is to oil the rusty parts, and let it remain in that state two or three days.

  30. Genuine diamond dust is the powder produced by the abrasion of diamonds against each other in the process of cutting and polishing them.

  31. This substance is much used as an imitation marble, as by polishing it with pumice stone, colouring it, and again polishing with oil, it may be made to resemble natural marble very closely.

  32. Never make the surface wet, nor allow the blacking to dry before applying the polishing brush.

  33. Used to filter acids, and glued upon paper as a polishing powder; also to wear down corns upon the feet, after the feet have been well soaked, and dried.

  34. Its hardness is so great, that it scratches and wears down nearly all minerals except the diamond; hence the use of its powder for cutting and polishing glass and various other hard substances.

  35. It possesses the valuable property of polishing the gems, and giving "the finest edge to every kind of cutlery.

  36. The face of the linen is now moistened with a little raw linseed oil, applied with the finger to the middle of it, and the operation of polishing immediately commenced.

  37. An old Italian book enjoins the polishing of this imitation ebony as follows: "Is the wood to be polished with burnt pumice stone?

  38. Silver is particularly adapted to daily use, for the necessary washing and polishing which it receives keeps it in good condition, and there is no danger from poison through corrosion, as with copper and brass.

  39. In the polishing of precious stones, he is quite sane in his directions.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "polishing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.