And to the quair[275], I geve commandiment, Mak no repair quhair poetis bene present.
The Egill be poetis is fenyeit to be Jovis fowle, and that he maid ministration to him of the thunder and wapynnys the tyme of the battale betwix the god Dis and the gyantis.
Thus, wenyng, allane Ene to haue reprevit, 5 He has gretly the prynce of poetis grevit.
Where ar the Phylosophers and Poetis lawreat The great Grammaryens and pleasant oratours.
If thou ryghtwysly Juge by lawe and equyte Thou shalt haue presence of goddes hyghe maiestye But if thou Juge amys: than shall Eacus (As Poetis sayth) hell Juge thy rewarde discusse God is aboue and regneth sempiternally.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "poetis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.