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Example sentences for "poemata"

Lexicographically close words:
podria; podrida; pods; pody; poem; poeme; poems; poena; poenae; poenam
  1. As explained in our Prefatory Note, the translations of the Latin Poemata et Epigrammata, as of the others, follow the originals successively.

  2. In the last line of Crashaw's epigram the reading in Poemata Anglorum Latina is 'Vidit et erubuit nympha pudica Deum.

  3. It only remains that I add here, instead of noticing in their places, the following more flagrant errors of Turnbull in the 'Epigrammata' and related 'Poemata Latina et Graeca.

  4. Translation of the whole of the Poemata et Epigrammata.

  5. The Deliciæ Poetarum Italorum present a crowd of inferior imitations of classical models; but I must repeat that the volumes selected by Pope, and entitled Poemata Italorum, are the best evidences of the beauties of these poets.

  6. Extant ab eo scripta poemata in quibus narrat se a Saxonibus in Povisiam pulsum fuisse, et sibi fuisse viginti quatuor filios auries torquibus insignitos, et omnes patriam defendendo bello occubuisse.

  7. His words, in a letter to his brother Quintus, are "Lucretii poemata ut scribis ita sunt; multis luminibus ingenii, multae tamen artis.

  8. These, and many other poems of a similar description, are published in the Poemata Didascalica.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "poemata" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.