The action of the disciples in plucking the ears of corn on the Sabbath was challenged by the Pharisees.
Along with the first may be included the defence of his disciples for plucking the ears of corn on the Sabbath.
Gloucester grasped the Scottish hero by the hand, turned into a short gallery, and, plucking the broad shaft of a cedar pilaster from under its capital, let himself and his companion into a passage within the wall of the building.
Badenoch, stamping with his foot, and plucking forth his sword; "is the man to exist who thus braves the assembled lords of Scotland?
What is it but plucking flowers on the banks of the stream which hurries us over the cataract, or feasting on the thin crust of a volcano upon delicate meats prepared over the fires which are soon to ingulf us?
The barn-floor was about half-filled with the corn in its dry leaves; the company sitting down on blocks and stools before it, plucking off the leaves, and throwing the yellow ears into baskets.
But there she sat, her feet dangling, her hair flying, and her hands holding her apron by its corners, intent on catching the apples which her brother was plucking from the tree above her head.
Becky, after Teddy had employed more time than seemed necessary in plucking the captain’s mammoth Baldwins.
A humming like the wind plucking at the wires of a thousand Æolian harps set her soul shivering in fresh dismay.
He stared about him like a man suffering from some hideous ataxia, and the horror of the affair plucking at his soul, he beat his breast, groaning in an agony of envy.
Plucking at the girl's sleeve, her companion pointed to a couple that stood looking into the garden, the arm of the man passed about the waist of the woman.
And plucking a leaf she held it safe in her hand while she turned, almost stunned by the wind, to go down the rock.
When the horse had turned a deaf ear to his words the boy wandered idly along, sometimes gathering wild strawberries from a bank, and sometimes plucking wild cherries from a tree, till he reached a clearing in the middle of the forest.
The absorbing occupation of plucking the feather from one sticky hand to the other rendered him passive for an hour.
You would better move my cot, Nancy," he would say, plucking at the silken coverlid.
A hand pluckingthe harpstrings, merging their twining chords.
When the death in life comes to the people here he swoops down, with his mind, plucking out the beauty of them.
The fond hands plucking the rose had found the thorn.
In 1875 he made a long tour in Europe, plucking the first fruits of foreign travel, which were succeeded by many rich and dainty gatherings from the same source in later years.
But she was still plucking carnations by the box hedge which led to the conservatories.
She had promised to come down next Sunday and play to him again, and already in thought he was plucking carnations and early roses for her to carry back to town.
Thus, still pluckingat the green brocade, she stared at Soames.
They had a better right to a good supper than ever she had, and might fast awhile to cool her hot blood;' and so cooked and ate those hens, plucking them on board the pinnace, and letting the feathers fall into the stream.
First time that you've asked for anything but daily rations, Sister Halsey; glad to see you plucking up heart.
Somewhere in the outer kitchen the hired boy had been plucking a goose, and some tiny fragments of the down were floating in the air.
Standish plucking at his beard and pacing to and fro; "here is the place for a stronghold, Master Carver, just here where we are standing.
Yes, that last cry was the retreat," said Standish half regretfully plucking the arrow from his sleeve.
The children had wandered on before them, hand in hand, and disappeared now and then among the trees on either side of the path, plucking flowers.
Boots removed the pipe from his lips and swore at him; and Selwyn listened with head obstinately lowered and lean hands plucking at his frayed girdle.
While Warley was delivering his report to the doctor, the other two were busied inplucking and roasting the ducks.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plucking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.