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Example sentences for "pleaders"

Lexicographically close words:
pleached; plead; pleade; pleaded; pleader; pleadeth; pleading; pleadingly; pleadings; pleads
  1. Schoenbeck considers the subject of this book to have been an attack upon the crafty and dishonest tricks of pleaders in the forum.

  2. Could our old pleaders visit earth again, Tully himself would scarce a brief obtain, 215 Unless his robe were purple, and a stone, Diamond or ruby, on his finger shone.

  3. Even out of the twenty-one orations of Isokrates which we possess, the last five are composed to be spoken by pleaders before the dikastery.

  4. He engaged himself also, like Lysias, in composing discourses for pleaders before the dikastery[88] and for speakers in the assembly; by which practice he acquired both fortune and reputation.

  5. He and I commenced our careers as special pleaders about the same time, viz.

  6. The pleaders are all silent; there is no voice in the heart.

  7. I have been taken back to the dear earth, where I saw the judgment-seat, and the pleaders who spoke, and the man who was the judge, and how each is judge for himself.

  8. The heavenly pleaders may be silenced, but never our Lord, who pleads for all; and heaven and earth may forget, yet will He never forget who is the Father of all.

  9. Like the Serjeant's coif of more recent date, it was white in colour; and, as an appanage of the legal profession, it was worn by judges and pleaders alike.

  10. The appointment lay with the Court of Common Council, and till 1824 the custom was to elect the senior of the Common Pleaders in the Mayor's Court.

  11. One of these noticing how the pleaders laid their heads together and bewailed their misfortunes, came up to them and said: 'I told you your Saturnalia would not last always!

  12. Happy if the pleaders were restricted to this righteous method in our own courts of judicature, where great eloquence and great abilities are too often employed to confound truth and support injustice!

  13. Special Pleaders in the Court of Requests.

  14. Special Pleaders in the Court of Requests, a Litigation between Snip, a tailor, and Galen Glauber, a quack.

  15. Special Pleaders in the Court of Requests, ii.

  16. For Sulpicius was dead; Cotta and Curio were abroad; and no pleaders of any eminence were left but Carbo and Pomponius, from each of whom he easily carried off the palm.

  17. With a tolerable share of learning, and a very moderate capacity, his application, assiduity, and interest, procured him a place among the ablest Pleaders of the time for several years.

  18. He it was who subjected the innocent pleaders of Shokhupura indescribable persecution.

  19. Pleaders for the accused are not allowed to interview under trial prisoners in police custody.

  20. Job finds them guilty of speaking falsely as special pleaders for God in two respects.

  21. Special pleaders for God's sovereign and unconditional right and for His illimitable good-nature, alike have warning here.

  22. Nor should we forget the assessors, advocates, procurators, notaries and pleaders of a hundred different countries who crowd the law courts.

  23. What I have said with reference to the pleaders necessarily applies to the judges; they are first cousins, and the one gives strength to the other.

  24. How the pleaders were made in the first instance and how they were favoured you should understand well.

  25. Supposing that there were only English Judges, English Pleaders and English Police, they could only rule over the English.

  26. If pleaders were to abandon their profession, and consider it just as degrading as prostitution, English rule would break up in a day.

  27. Trachalus had such a noisy organ that it drowned the pleaders in the other courts.

  28. He was conspicuous among tragedians for a power of reasoned eloquence of the forensic type; and delighted in making two rival pleaders state their case, some of his most successful scenes being of this kind.

  29. They are apt to believe that they may, as special pleaders say, confess and avoid.

  30. In Eastern Bengal especially, with the exception of a few landlords and pleaders whose interests were largely bound up with those of the Hindus, the Mahomedans as a community had everything to gain and nothing to lose by the Partition.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pleaders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.