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Example sentences for "playthings"

Lexicographically close words:
playnly; playpen; playroom; plays; plaything; playtime; playwright; playwrights; playwriting; plaza
  1. Then she chose from her playthings a little pasteboard box with birds painted on it, and in it she laid the dead flowers.

  2. Now the playthings began to play in their turn.

  3. On the next day the little boy to whom the playthings belonged came to the drawer; he painted the Top red and yellow, and drove a bright brass nail right through the head of it; it looked very smart indeed as it spun around after that.

  4. Billy kept his few toys and playthings in a closet, which was full of old plunder.

  5. He saw the same children, and the same playthings were on the table, the splendid castle with the pretty little dancer; she was still standing on one leg, and had the other high in the air.

  6. Bunny Brown and his Sister Sue took with them that night their toys so strangely found, and in a few days the playthings were as good as ever, for Mrs. Brown sewed up the ripped Teddy bear and Bunny had some new cars for his electric engine.

  7. By this time Bunny and Sue were fast asleep, dreaming of the new playthings they were to have.

  8. Gertie lingered not only to tuck away her own doll but to rescue the neglected playthings of the others, and to put each doll child carefully to bed, with sundry croonings and caresses.

  9. Then I told the chauffeur to take me to a toy-shop, where I stood staring through a plate-glass window at the elaborate playthings devised for the modern children of luxury.

  10. These were the playthings of his childhood--he now trod them under his feet.

  11. The worst feature of our system are the playthings which imitate the luxury of grown people.

  12. On condition that you will never take your playthings and go home.

  13. When he was cross he would take his playthings and go home.

  14. In a jiffy they had denuded the Christmas tree down to the very last sweet and had already succeeded in breaking half of their playthings before they even found out which belonged to whom.

  15. No mother--no playthings or books--no one had ever kissed her!

  16. Did she," he hesitated slightly, "like the playthings you bought her?

  17. Feeling that she was dealing with something unusual, and, being a kindly person, Dowson bought her some playthings on her own account.

  18. Gradually playthings and picture books appeared in them, which she gathered Dowson presented her with.

  19. But I have been to-day up where the little children are bury--so many of them, with their playthings on the graves.

  20. He stuffed in the doll and the rude playthings and hooked the basket doll-carriage upon his arm.

  21. This series of related playthings is known as the kindergarten "gifts.

  22. It was wonderful to behold how these terrible instruments of slaughter melted away like playthings of wax.

  23. Moreover, by the side of these dolls scientists have unearthed other playthings that children still crave: doll's furniture, animal toys and toys with wheels, illustrating the methods of transportation of those early days.

  24. They claim that the reason that boys and girls crave toys is that nature requires them, and to deprive children of such playthings would be to retard their mental growth and development.

  25. Yet, when the talkative Miss Titus had gone Agnes went to the room the little folks kept their playthings and doll families in, and picked up the Alice-doll which chanced that day to be wearing the silver band.

  26. Ruth doesn't talk that way to us," declared Tess, quite hurt, and gathering up her playthings from the various chairs in the sitting room where the family usually gathered in the evenings.

  27. These playthings show us the simplest way in which heat can yield motive power; because simplest it prevails almost universally, and yet it is wasteful in the extreme.

  28. The little fellow would take his toys to pieces, rebuild them and invent playthings wholly new.

  29. It was so much warmer that their mother let the children stay up a little later than usual; and Mary ventured to bring out her playthings and Janey's.

  30. It was astonishing how many things she had found to put on that tree; but then she had been rummaging among Scrubby's old playthings up in the garret.

  31. Though the children amuse themselves with a great many sports and plays, we saw very few toys or playthings in use.

  32. Those in the collection, indeed, seem rather less intended for playthings than as, so to speak, works of art to catch the fancy of the strangers.

  33. The children forgot all about the woods, and enjoyed themselves over their playthings till quite late in the evening.

  34. So now you can get on without playthings the best way you can.

  35. Much grander idea than all those playthings (like AEolian harps) was the 'storm harp' which I have read of.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "playthings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.