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Example sentences for "plate printing"

  • Plate printing is a very old art, the plate printing press having been ascribed to Tomasso Finiguerra, of Florence, in 1460.

  • These methods are: Steel-plate or Copper-plate printing, in which the subject is printed from an etching or engraving below the surface of a plate of steel or of copper.

  • Copper-plate printing is, in all points, the reverse of typographic printing.

  • Tin-plate printing or decoration is probably the most remarkable development of modern lithography.

  • On the best sized English vellum paper, I have made blacker impressions than I could make on the best Swiss copper-plate printing-paper, so that I had to use fifty per cent less printing-color.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plate printing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    closed eyes; colossal statue; dark lines; dear mademoiselle; determining power; dictum simpliciter; great host; heavy snow; high grade; immediately sent; inside the; little game; many gods; might bring; not know what you; plate armour; plate engraving; plate glass; plate number; plate printing; this plan; volcanic eruptions; water down; whose duty; would sing; would take