The bouncing creature with untidy hair, and her clothes pitchforked on to her?
As he made the knot firm and noosed the rope through the loop, his eyes fell on the further door of the barn--the one through which, in bygone golden Septembers, he had so often pitchforked the sheaves of corn.
Then they would get volley after volley of musketry or be hurled or pitchforked from the field with the bayonet.
I waspitchforked out of the old theatricality into the new and found it ineffective.
And if you had been pitchforked out as I've been after all my years of honest service you'd feel just as I do, Captain Mayo.
Dernburg, before he was pitchforked into Government office from the comparatively humble station of a bank director in 1906, was the most approachable of men.
You don't think I've become a snob just because chance has pitchforked me into the ranks of the idle rich, do you?
Pitchforked into a comparatively primitive mode of existence and transportation his first reaction to it took the form of offended resentment.
Scott certainly did not compose these lines; and he could not have pitchforkedthem into Jamie Telfer, either by accident or design.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pitchforked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.