In giving an account of this malefactor, we are obliged to begin with his embarking on board the vessel which he afterwards seized and went a-pirating in.
Now, with their hardy constitutions, they will rapidly get well, perhaps escape and begin pirating again.
The Bell Company, of Boston, also started an exchange, and the fight was on, the Western Union pirating the Bell receiver and the Boston company pirating the Western Union transmitter.
But the real benefits of the present system of pirating English books, consist in the employment given to capital and labor.
But we would not be thought to advocate so sublime and patriotic an extension of the great principle of pirating as this, because it would deprive our artisans and tradesmen of a very profitable business.
But it was not anything to do with the true business of pirating that had brought forth that squeal from Dot Kenway.
I ain't going to take any girl pirating when I go again.
He wished to go pirating again, and saw a way of doing this which he thought would be far superior to any of the common methods.
The Bell company, of Boston, also started an exchange, and the fight was on, the Western Union pirating the Bell receiver, and the Boston company pirating the Western Union transmitter.
The booming of that war ship's guns was too much for his nerves, and he's going to quit pirating and go to blockade running.
With this small company he dared not go pirating on his own account and so had decided to rejoin Blackbeard.
As he had truly said, this pirating was no trade for a nervous man.
Nor did pirating differ from this general rule, for in it were men who rose to distinction, men whose names, something tarnished and rusted by the lapse of years, have come down even to us of the present day.
At this time there was a deal of talk in those parts of the Americas concerning Captain Morgan, and the prodigious successes he was having pirating against the Spaniards.
Having rid himself of the mutineers, Captain Phips shipped other scoundrels in their stead, there being small choice at Jamaica where every other man had been piratingor was planning to go again.
This little pamphlet may serve as a warning to venturesome boys of the twentieth century who yearn to go a-pirating and to bury treasure.
In 1588, a Spanish Armada came to invade England, return it to Catholicism, and stop the piratingof Spanish ships.
Merchants who had become rich by pirating could now afford to extend their trading ventures well beyond the Atlantic sea.
Doubtless he was connected with Seymour's pirating scheme at Scilly, and took to pirating as an occupation like other Western gentlemen.
Then there were some who just carried on pirating as a kind of branch business, when other things were dull.
Why, you horrible villains,--do you mean to tell me that you have been doing all this pirating for money?
He didn't gopirating just during the summer months, when his other business was slack.
The two captains quarrelled at the very beginning of the voyage, while lying off the Downs, and Pulling slipped away by himself to go a-pirating amongst the Canary Islands.
Men left their work of killing and drying beef, while others deserted their plantations to go a-pirating on the Spaniards, in much the same way as men went to a gold rush years after.
Sailed with Captain Heidon from Bantry Bay in the John of Sandwich in 1564 to search for a good prize in which he might go a-pirating on his own account.