Illustration: ONCE HALF A HOUSE AND A HEN ROOST Photoby Whitney] [Illustration: WHAT CAN BE DONE WITH A BARN Photo by Samuel H.
Photo by Gottscho Skillful planting of trees, shrubs, and flowers make the setting 244 Robertson Ward, architect.
Henry Ford Once half a house and a hen roost 76 Photo by Whitney What can be done with a barn 76 Robertson Ward, architect.
Photo by Gottscho Snow has dignity, but is the house snug and warm?
Photo by Gottscho An imposing country home of classic dignity 220 Robertson Ward, architect.
The peculiar instrument which had occupied the center of the room, and was undoubtedly the color-photo camera, an instrument of priceless value, had apparently sustained little injury.
He had denied having any knowledge of the working of that strange color-photo camera.
The cocoon and chrysalis is from a photo by Mr. H.
The roughened caterpillar is figured on Plate 142 (photo by H.
Another photo by Mr. Main shows the young caterpillar constructing its retreat.
Main's photo of the moth in its natural resting attitude.
Sits around the flat and gazes at his photo all day and from quitting time on she is there with her ear to the ground waiting to hear him get out of the elevator.
When I was in the business if I couldn't get a job on my voice all I had to do was to flash a photo taken as Captain of the High Jinks Cadets, and then--in a minute.
This photo was taken with an “interference” microscope designed to permit continuous variation of contrast in the subject under study.
The =Western Doorway= (photo below) comprises three doors flanked by two full arcades, and surmounted by gables adorned with statues.
To visit the ruins of the fort, tourists will have to follow on foot the narrow-gauge railway which starts from the road (photo above).
In the courtyard is a strikingly graceful three-storey turret (photo above), one side of which has collapsed.
A young investigator among the Deer at Fort Yellowstone Photo by E.
It is so, except that I did not intend to do any harm; the gun seemed very picturesque to me and I wanted a photo of it," said Bill.
I saw this young man (pointing to Bill) suddenly produce one of those very small German cameras and try to take a photo of the gun and its location.
I am a photographer and a news photo editor as well as a wire photo operator.
Newsweek credits itsphoto to the Detroit Free Press, which is the Shaneyfelt Exhibit No.
That is a photo copy of the original box rental application completed by Lee H.
And in your mind that similarity of feature does not preclude the possibility that a completely unretouched photo was submitted by the Detroit Free Press to Newsweek?
Detroit Free Press, and after receiving the unretouched photograph, would then add the retouching that they desired to have on the photo before making the halftone reproduction.
Officially, I am hired as a wire photo operator, but they use me in three different classifications.
Illustration: From a Photo of the Famous Scene in the London, England, Hippodrome, when Houdini was Handcuffed by the London Illustrated Mirror Representative.
He fished out a photo of lines and scratches upon a rock.
For the rest, the Westminster inquiries seem to have confirmed Gardner and me in every particular, and brought out the further fact that the girls had never before taken a photo in their life.
This photo presents a panoramic view of the north portion of the Teton Range.
Jackson took this photo as evidence that his seemingly frail friend was actually a durable outdoorsmen.
At his lecture, Captain Holmes stated that he did not see the man throw the rope up into the air, as he arrived late just in time to take a photoof the boy while in the air.
Photo Anderson) 344 Judith with the head of Holofernes.
Photo Anderson) 394 Portrait of his wife, by Lucas Cranach.
Photo Anderson) 372 The Communion of the Apostles.
The photo shows three views--side, front and back, with equipment attached.
The photo shows the men leaving San Francisco, where they were mobilized.
At the long table to the left of the photo we see seated Clemenceau, Pichon and Marshal Foch.
Backed by a rich western friend the chums established a photo playhouse in the great metropolis, where new adventures await them.
In this book the scene is shifted to Boston, and there is intense rivalry in the establishment of photo playhouses of educational value.
Reproduced from the Official Photo taken by the Photographic Section of the Signal Corps, U.
Reproduced from Official Photo of the Signal Corps.
Photo micrograph of preparation made from Yoghourt, showing yeast cells, large lactic diplococci, small slender bacilli and many large bacilli possessing the morphology of Bacillus bulgaricus.