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Example sentences for "pessaries"

Lexicographically close words:
peseta; pesetas; pesky; peso; pesos; pessary; pessimism; pessimist; pessimistic; pessimists
  1. The cup, conical, globe, and ring pessaries (pessi) are those best known.

  2. Medicated pessaries are prepared by adding the active ingredients to a hard cerate, and pressing the mixture into the desired form.

  3. There are also pessaries now made of elastic gum, which are said to be easily worn, and to be convenient, from their having a perforation in their centre.

  4. All the usual pessaries are very inconvenient and ineffectual.

  5. Quinine is fatal to the spermatazoa, and without it these pessaries are simply pieces of soluble cocoa-butter.

  6. Generally speaking, the soluble quinine pessaries or suppositories which are sold in the shops are unreliable.

  7. The pessaries are made in ten different sizes, each size being numbered, and the right size can always be obtained on order.

  8. There will be very little fear of conception with one of these new pessaries properly adjusted, as the rim will press equally all round.

  9. Medical practitioners can obtain sets of occlusive rubber pessaries from Messrs.

  10. Several brands have recently been analysed and found to contain no quinine at all--or particular pessaries have been without sufficient quinine.

  11. Large, ill-fitting pessaries worn in the vagina for a supposed retroflected or prolapsed uterus, or a stem pessary, are fruitful causes of metritis.

  12. The employment of rings and pessaries to remedy this evil is contrary to good sense and of no permanent value.

  13. Parius in such cases makes his pessaries only of cork, shaped like a small egg; he covered them with wax and mastic dissolved together, and fastening them to a thread, he put them into the womb.

  14. Make pessaries of storax, aloes, with the roots of dictam, aristolochia and gentian, but instead of this you may use the pessary prescribed at the end of Chapter XVII.

  15. Or use pessaries to provoke the birth; take galbanum dissolved in vinegar, an ounce; myrrh, two drachms, with oil of oat make a pessary.

  16. To keep in its place, make rollers and ligatures as for a rupture; and put pessaries into the bottom of the womb, that may force it to remain.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pessaries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.