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Example sentences for "personal responsibility"

  • In most fields of moral action this sense of personal responsibility is acquired at a fairly early stage of social progress.

  • Freedom in sexual relations involves mutual trust and that can only rest on a basis of personal responsibility.

  • But as soon as sexual maturity is attained--which is long before what we conventionally regard as the adult age, and earlier in girls than in boys--it is impossible to dismiss the question of personal responsibility.

  • They only have their value if they are intelligent and deliberate, springing out of a widened and enlightened sense of personal responsibility to society and to the race.

  • Human breeding must proceed from impulses that arise, voluntarily, in human brains and wills, and are carried out with a human sense of personal responsibility.

  • Hence it appears impossible to defend the doctrine of Philosophical Necessity,—which presents God to us as the author of sin and suffering,—from the same charge of invading the sense of personal responsibility.

  • This recognition of Personal Responsibility is what we call Conscience.

  • Theology ignores and sophisticates Personal Responsibility, which everything else, and every experience in life, justifies and enforces as the basis of Morals.

  • This is the meaning of Soul, of Individual Intelligence, of Rational Volition, of Personal Responsibility.

  • I argued that if Nature had given us personal responsibility it was not hidden away in the dark folds and coils of the alimentary canal where we could not control it.

  • It strengthens the consciousness of personal responsibility of the individual for his own status of health and for the hereditary conditions, traits and tendencies of his off-spring.

  • They weaken the consciousness of personal responsibility.

  • This same consciousness of guilt which demands an expiation demands that it shall be personal, the satisfaction of the sense of personal responsibility, and of the unconquerable conviction of our own freedom.

  • The effect is to lessen the self-respect of the girls and the sense of personal responsibility of the boys.

  • Besides, there was that saddest of all features too often found in the home of the working girls--the absence of all sense of personal responsibility on the part of parents for the social life of the children, girls and boys.

  • They developed a sense of personal responsibility; they grew more dignified and more reliable; above all, they developed self-respect.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "personal responsibility" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    clock tomorrow; diuerse places; each ring; little warm; personal characteristics; personal consciousness; personal dignity; personal equation; personal experience; personal freedom; personal friend; personal history; personal hygiene; personal magnetism; personal matters; personal merit; personal name; personal nature; personal observation; personal pronouns; personal responsibility; personal services; skin coat; summer camp; throws himself; water bath